november issue ✧ 9

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this chapter is all over the place


"Class." Mr. Abrams walked into the classroom. "Please welcome Michael Clifford in our class. I'd ask him to join us because he's grammar skills are better than most of yours so I'd be unfair to have you in advance class while he is in a normal one."

The class laughed. It's like they liked to be insulted. Luke didn't laugh. He smiled widely as Michael waved awkwardly in front of the class and when Mr. Abrams nodded to him he walked and sat next to Luke.

They had already seen each other that day. Since they've become closer Michael has been picking Luke up in the mornings with his motorcycle if only it wasn't too cold.

"I think I'd be the smartest that Michael joins Luke with his project because they already work on our amazing newspaper together. If you haven't seen the newest issue anyone with a talent should apply and maybe have the chance to work on it in the next semester."

Michael bumped Luke's knee under the table and Luke smiled again.

He was smiling a lot around Michael lately.

"Jacob now you can stay with them or you can change groups. You can decide by yourself and let me know by next week."

Jacob, who was sitting behind Luke and now Michael, chuckled quietly and muttered to himself. "There's no way I'll be working with two faggots. Like two wasn't enough."

By now Luke already knew Michael will get angry. He saw the palms of his hands and the little crescent moon shaped scars. And because he knew what followed Michael's anger he slipped his hand under the table and found Michael's and squeezed it.

He didn't look at him but Luke felt Michael's eyes on him.

At the end of the class, Michael seemed to be waiting and Luke presumed he wanted to talk to Mr. Abrams so he waited by the door.

But he wasn't talking to Mr. Abrams, Michael was talking to Jacob. Luke couldn't see Michael's face but he saw Jacob's. He looked terrified.

When he finally joined Luke he smiled at him. "See you after class?"

"Michael." Luke bit his lip. "What did you say to Jacob? You can't just threaten whoever insults me, us. That's not how it works."

Michael's smile seemed to be honest. "I'm sorry. I just get overprotective over my friends. And I didn't threaten him, I just reminded him that my uncle is his father's boss."

"You'd get his father fired over this?"

Michael smiled. "No Luke. I told him that I know his dad is gay as well."

Michael laughed. "We already have six applications."

Luke looked over his computer. "Really?"

"Yeah, listen to this. Two of them are photographers, I think you know Ashton, also Charlie didn't apply which is good. One of them wants to be a sports reporter. He said that the past few interviews made him see he'd really be useful for us."

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