Chaptor One

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P.s: this book requires your imagination as I am not going to describe what any of the Characters look like (except the Creepypasta's) and leave that up to you.

Edit: I had decided that the narrator should be Morgan Freeman because why not.

Narrator POV.

It was a cool and still night outside the Slender mansion. Most of the pasta's including Slenderman where out hunting in the woods for people that have ventured to far in. While the pasta's were scanning the east side Slenderman decided to scan the west side of the forest alone. He liked getting out of his study every once and awhile and go set out his pages and have a hunt instead of getting his proxies to do it. And then he felt the first page being taken.

??? POV.

I was walking through the park on the edge of the forest from the orphanage with a newborn that has been dropped off at our doorstep to the doctors just for a checkup on the baby's health. I could see some sort of white reflecting off of the tree that was only about one hundred meter's into the forest. Curiosity caught the best of me and I walked towards it holding the little bundle I had close to my body for warmth. After pulling off the tree what seemed to be a peice of paper that said "he sees you, no eyes" with a tall slender stick figure with no face drawn on it. I thought nothing of it until I got an uneasy feeling like im being watched.

Turning around, my head fills with a booming static sound and what stood in front of me had me frozen in fear, an inhumanely tall person, wearing a black tuxedo, about six maybe more tenrils that shot out of his back and a face that was completely white and blank.

Slenderman's POV.

As I was patrolling the west side of the forest I felt my first page being taken by someone.

"Yesssss another victim" I said quietly to myself.

The page was only about two kilometers away from me right on the edge of the forest. I Slender walked to where I fell the presence. It was an elderly woman holding something bundled in a blanket, I don't know what it was but it doesn't matter now. Knowing that this human won't put up much of a fight I advance behind her releasing my tenrils out of my back an letting out my booming static that I unleash on my victims. The human turned around to face me and her death. Frozen in fear, I plunge my tenrils into her head and heart.

When the human hit the ground, there was a loud wail coming from the bundle of blankets that was now moving. Confused I knelt down and removed the blankets with my tenrils to find a small female infant human. I froze when I saw her eyes, a flashback shot through my head.


Narrator POV.

This night was the night Slenderman's immortal life would change again. Looking into the eyes of this infant brought back a part of his memory that he still remembers still like it was yesterday. He had a wife a long time ago, about 20 years ago. Young, beautiful Elizabeth. It was a warm afternoon when he met Elizabeth when she stumbled into the forest and started collecting Slenderman's pages. After three pages, Slenderman finally got close behind her unleashing his tenrils and static boom. She turned around and to slenderman's surprise, there was not even one bit of fear expressed on her face. This confused Slenderman and made him stop using his static noise. Instead of screaming or fleeing she took two steps closer and reached her hand up to cup his face. He flinched as her hand made contact but slowly got used to it. His tenrils start to go slack and slowly retract and a weird, warm feeling filled his once cold heart. Was it love?

No mortal or immortal has ever in Slenderman's life shown this type of expression towards him, the only expression he ever got from the humans was fear.

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