Chapter Eleven

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Elizabeth's POV.

"Mum, Dad, I have found my mate."

"That's wonderful!" Mum said as she got out of her seat and wrapped me in a hug.

"About time." Dad applauded me. Both clearly proud and relieved that I wasn't going to be mateless.

Now that's one part out of three. Now to tell them that he is Slenderman and I am pregnant.

"When do we get to meet the lucky fella." Mum replied smiling.

"He's actually outside right now." I said.

"Well get him inside! It's cold outside." My mother said excited to see him.

I walk to the door and opened it to see Slenderman waiting there patiently. He has changed into his human form.

"There awaiting your presence Sir." I said with sarcasm acting like a butler, hiding my nervous self.

We held each other's hands as I led him into the dining room. I could tell he was nervous, even with the 'I'm Slenderman I'm tough' act I could tell he was nervous. And quite frankly I was too. Apon entering, Dad got up to shake his hand.

"Hi I'm Razor, Alpha of the South-Western pack. This is my Luna, Leah." He said as they shook hands. Mum came over to shake his hand as well.

"Is he a human?! I've never seen him before and I can't sense his wolf. " Dad said through the mindlink.

"No Dad, I'll explain in a bit." I replied back.

"What's your name sweetie?" Mum said as she smiled at him. Slendy just looked at me worried. I shook my head 'no'.

Don't tell them just yet.

"Ahhh.... Simon." He replied.

"What pack are you from Simon? I haven't seen you around here before." My Dad said starting to push questions.

Classic father/daughters boyfriend scenario.

Slendy was about to say something but I bet him to it.

"Mum, Dad. Please take a seat." I said with my heart thumping fast and hard.

They look at each other weirdly but complied.

"I don't know any other way to put this but Simon is actually Slenderman." I said feeling Slendy's hand snake it's way into mine.

"Slenderman? As in the legend?" Mum said confused.

"Wait your Slenderman?" My Dad said. "Leah, he's the one I told you about. The one that saved me, Liz and the pack's supplies from the rogue attack today." He added.

They both looked at Slendy.

"But I do say you do look different." Said Dad.

Slendy then changed into his Pasta form. Mum stood up from her chair and growled at Slendy.


"Leah, don't." Dad said as Mum sat back down.

"I'm sorry Simon. It's just the stories I have heard about you just puts me on edge." Said Mum apologetically.

"It's okay Leah, I don't blame you and please, call me Slenderman." Slendy replied. Mum calling him Simon must bring up things of his past.

"Okay Slenderman. I expect little grandchildren running around soon though. I hope you know that the population of werewolves are declining so the more the merrier." Said Mum in a half serious half joking tone of voice.

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