Chapter Two

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Elizabeth's POV.

There I was walking through the fields along the forest, admiring the colors of the flowers and the trees. Closing my eyes and basking in the sun, taking in a deep breath taking in the fresh air and sent of the flowers when suddenly a crack of lightning caught me off guard making me jump. The once clear and sunny sky had dark clouds rolling in, sending lightning everywhere. The wind started to pick up, pushing me towards and into the forest, the further I went the darker it got until the wind stopped and the clouds went away bringing the scene back to its former beauty, only this time im inside the forest standing in a clearing, but it was still beautiful. The birds were chirping, the sun shone through the cypress trees and squirrels were chasing each other along the ground and up the trees.

"There are a band of really bad people in the forest that like to kill pups that wondered to far in" I heard my dads voice boom from out of nowhere.

'Yeah but that is only pups, they can't get me im an adult.' I thought to myself as surprisingly, I started shrinking for some reason.

I looked down at myself to find out that I was a pup again. This can't be good. I looked back up to find that it was night time. Looking over at the bushes, I saw something glinting in the moonlight. Curious I walked towards it to see what it was only to see the glinting object start to float higher and higher until there was a shadow of some sort of being being cast from the bush.

"Who are you?" I asked a bit worried now not knowing who or what the shadowed silhouette was.

"Oh that doesn't madder now little child.!" Shouted the man who was now chasing me threw the the woods.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed as I was running through the forest for my life when I tripped and fell into a gully.

Getting back up and dusting myself off, I realized that it was daytime again, I was back to my normal 21 year old self and the creep that was chasing me was gone. There was a green glow coming from further in the woods.

"Mate" echoed a voice inside my head before I woke up.


I woke up in a cold sweat an my head pounding with a headache. I decided to go for another walk to clear my mind from that dream I just had, maybe run into Naomi and Kai again. Just as I stepped out of the door a familiar green glow was coming from the forest.

"Mate" boomed a voice inside my head.

Mate? Was I finally feeling the mate bond? And why is it coming from in the forest?, last time I heard no werewolf lives inside the forest. There must be a werewolf out there. I started to run into the forest to find where the green light was leading me to. I stop to find the green light was given out by a piece of paper that has been pinned to a tree. After grabbing it, the green light shot off t to a different spot. Chasing after it, I came to another tree with a page pinned to it after gabbing that page the green light moved yet again to a different spot, leading me to yet another page pinned to a tree but after I grabbed that page a loud static noise filled my head. Turning around I was met with a large green glowing silhouette which slowly faded to show a tall, slender being with tenrils shooting out of his back. But this did not scare me, especially when your mind is saying one word over and over again.

"Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate..."

Him keeping his composure, I took two steps forward and extended my arm out and cupped his face. He must of been surprised at my actions, like he has never felt this kind of expression before due to his static and tenrils going away. Here I was, staring into where I assumed where his eyes were, at the myth I assumed was Slenderman, now my mate if he doesn't have second thoughts on killing me.

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