Chapter Nineteen

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Emily's POV.

We were walking a fair distance into the city to a place Slenderman called a park. As we were walking with Slenderman in the lead, I heard a bell ring. Looking over to a building that it was coming from, children around my age were talking and giggling as they came out of the front gates. Most of them entered into long yellow cars or walked to where I presumed was there home. I didn't know that I had stopped to see all the human children leave through the gate. Slenderman soon noticed that I had stopped and he came back to usher me along.

We made it to the place called park. We sat down beside a little river that ran through the park.

"Okay so I thought since that you hadn't even seen human food before. I got a little bit of everything for you to try." He said handing over a bag to me.

We sat there for a while as I tried out the different foods that were in the bag. Spaghetti, fried rice, hamburger, their was so many delicious food that I hadn't even heard of before.

"Slenderman." I said.

"Yeah." He said with goofiness and a mouth full of food.

I giggled.

"The sun is making it's way across the sky too quickly. Weren't we going to meet somebody?" I said.

"Yes. Uncle Trenderman." He said.

"How many uncles do I have?" I laughed.

"Just the three. I promise." He said.

We finished our food and sat there for a little longer. There was a question that I wanted to ask.

"Slenderman. What was that thing called where all the children ran out of the gates at?" I asked.

"That's called a school. It's where humans go at a young age to get educated about daily life." He said.

Hmm. School.

"Could I go to school. You know since there is a lot that I need to learn about the human world." I said.

Slenderman just froze a little before forcing himself to relax.

"No." He said.

"Why not." I said.

"Because it's not a good idea." He said.

"Why not." I said again.

"Look," he paused.

"The humans have this thing called media. It's kind of a thing where they can put stuff about stuff on there and the whole world can see it. Unfortunately I'm on there. They framed me as a murderer, a god, the devil but I just didn't be them just for fun, I did it to protect my people. It was also the stupid people that thought that they could trespass into my forest. Eventually someone had found out about us and put us on the media and called us 'Creepypasta's. The band of murderers that live in the forest'. Some take matters into their own hands by trying to hunt us. So this is why I don't want you to go to school. All it will take you is to do something wrong and you will be labelled as a freak. Human's are good at that." He said.

I see his point but I didn't reply. We sat there in silence for a moment before Slenderman broke the silence by standing up.

"Well if we want you home by nightfall we better make our way to Trenderman's apartment now." He said before holding out his hand.

I took his hand and he helped me to my feet before teleporting. We were standing in a hallway of what looked like a fancy apartment building. There was a window at the end of the hallway which I decided to peer out of.

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