Chapter Thirty : Epilogue

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Slenderman's POV.

It all happened in slow motion like time has frozen. The dagger plunging towards my skull. I used my last second to study every detail of Emily. Her face may be deprived of features but I could still see the desperation in her face. Looking at the others, Sally is screaming for me, Julian is trying to push through to stop Emily from being killed. Clockwork, Eyeless Jack and Jeff are just doing the best they can to survive. I on the other hand.

I'm accepting my fate.

I get to be with my loved ones at last.

An extremely bright light engulfed me as everything and everyone I once seen in front of me disappeared. The bright light that blinded me faded to reveal a familiar place.

The underworld.

"It's about time you arrived here while not on business. It's been a long time but your immortality couldn't even survive that." Said a familiar demonic voice.


"I know right." I replied.

"You know that I can't help you." He said.

"I figured that. I know that you have ties with the Black Blood Clan. I know that you have plans on using Emily as a weapon by brainwashing her." I said.

"It's just business." He replied.

"Bullshit. You probably knew this right from the start. Before Emily was born. You probably knew that Elizabeth had to die." I said as a wave of anger washed over me.

"You make yourself look more like an idiot putting it that way but yeah. I knew that Elizabeth had to die. I knew that I could use Emily one day." He said.

He's lucky that I'm stuck in my human form.

Emily's POV.

A lot of emotions suddenly clouded my mind. Shock, sadness and rage. I'm screaming but I can't hear a thing. My Dad's lifeless body laid on the ground with the dagger still protruding from his head. If I had tear ducts in this form I'd be bawling my eyes out.

My Dad is dead. Just like my mother. I have nobody now. I'm all alone.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!..." I repeated over and over again.

"Stop fighting! The deed is done." Said Raivolle.

The wolves had fallen back. Julian and the girl who had a pocket watch for a eye, Clockwork I think her name is, held me back out of tendril reach from Raivolle.

"C'mon Em. It's not worth two lives lost. We have to go before Raivolle deploys the wolves on us again." Said Julian.

I chose not to listen though.

"Emily. Jeff's the only one with a weapon. E.J and I are completely defenseless and Julian is injured. Stop acting like a bitch and move your ass!" Yelled Clockwork.

I gave in and let Julian drag me away. Clockwork and Eyeless Jack picked up Dad as we walked away. Raivolle death glared me as I returned the gesture as Julian dragged me back towards the forest with Jeff, Sally, E.J, Clockwork who were carrying Dad.

We bursted through the doors of the mansion and laid Dad on the floor. Jeff pulled the dagger from Dad's head and wiped the black blood off of the blade and put it in his pocket.

"You know that knife was used to kill Slenderman. Keeping it is just bad." Said Clockwork.

"What. It's a nice knife. Plus I don't care enough about Slenderman to care." Shrugged Jeff.

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