Chapter Fifteen

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Emily's POV.

Growing up without parents really suck. My mother has been dead since my birth and my father is pretty much dead to me since he ditched me at a young age. I'm now 15 years old and living in the South-Western werewolf tribe. I lived with my Grandmother and Grandfather, Leah and Razor, Alpha and Luna of the tribe until I was 8 years old. They died due to a rogue attack on the village and because of that I now live with Kai and Naomi. They were my mother's best friend before she died.

Kai and Naomi are like the parents I never had and I'm like the daughter they always wanted because Naomi isn't able to mother children.

Due to the passing of Leah and Razor, an elder named Raivolle stepped up for me to run the pack until I was ready. I was to become the Alpha one day due to being the daughter of the Alpha's daughter. Kai, Naomi and Raivolle has told me about my father and about the deal he made with Zalgo and that he and his three other brothers were the only Slenders left in existence.

At least Zalgo's deal was one good thing my father did before he ditched me. I killed who ever wanted to do harm to the tribe. My hybrid DNA is the only reason why the rogues now never came back here again.

"Em, breakfast is ready!" Called out Naomi from the dining room.

I huffed. I was in my slender form reading an interesting novel while laying on my bed in my room. We lived in Leah's and Razor's old house. It was big and spacious compared to the other houses in the tribe. Getting up and shifting into my human form I sat my novel on my bedside table.

Naomi and Kai doesn't mind but the other werewolves found it weird to see me in my Slender form. Too be honest I feel more like me when I'm in my Slender form, like I have a lot more power.

"So what's today's plan?" Said Kai as he sat plates of some sort of meat looking stuff, eggs and these square things.

"I thought I might go for a walk by the forest after breakfast." I said.

"Your mother used to love doing that." Said Naomi. She cleared her throat before sitting down at the table. Not meaning to bring up my mother.

"Yeah. By the way Kai, what's this? I recognize the eggs but what are these two?" I said wanting to know.

"Ahhh something you haven't heard of before. That's called bacon, it's from a pig and that's toast, it's made from wheat. I got it from the human town last week." Said Kai before Naomi elbowed him in the ribs. I heard the mindlink conversation she had with him while we ate.

"What the hell! Why did you tell her about the human town!" Shouted Naomi through the mindlink.

"Well I'm sorry! I didn't mean to it just slipped out." Said Kai back.

"She will be wanting to know where it is and before you know it she'll be sneaking off to find it." Said Naomi.

"She doesn't know where it is so everything is fine." Said Kai.

Damn. I had enough of this telepathic argument.

"I'm going now. I'll catch you both later." I said as I put my plate in the sink and walked out the door.

I walked along the edge of the forest when I got a strange feeling. It was like something was calling for me, calling my name.

"Emily." Said a voice.

I looked around to find who was calling my name.


It was coming from deep in the forest. I changed into my wolf form and ran towards the voice that was calling my name.

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