Chapter Twenty Nine

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Julian's POV.

My eyes are open but all I see is black. I try to move my limbs but they won't budge.

Is this what it feels like to be dead?

Am I dead?

I am dead!

But I'm breathing though.

I focused on my hand to move it and eventually it twitched. I did the same to different parts of my body and eventually I got feeling to some of my body.

Realizing that I must be alive I put my hand on my forehead in relief only to feel something foriegn.


I took the page off my face to find that there was little light coming from underneath a door.

Where am I?

Tapping into my nocturnal instincts that seems to be weakened, I found a lamp on a bedside table beside the bed that I am lying on. I turned the lamp on to find writing on the paper.

If you are reading this that means that you are alive and well. I had killed you by accident but had you brought back to life. You are currently in my father's house so I suggest that you do not leave your room or you may be killed.

You will not be brought back again either.

I will be around later and I'm willing to talk.

- Emily.

Arghh this is hurting my brain thinking about this. Let me recap; I got told that Emily is Slenderman's daughter and got told to capture her to use her. I then went to tell Emily how I really felt about her before she must have killed me when she was tossing me around.

But how was I revived?

"That's because I allowed it." Said a deep, almost demonic voice coming from a dark corner of the room where the light from the lamp could not reach.

A tall slender figure slowly emerged from the dark corner.


Shit it's probably going to kill me!

"I'm not going to kill you Julian." He said.

What? How did it know what I was thinking?

"Telepathy. And please refrain from calling me a it." He said.

I knodded my head.

"I know who you are." I said.

"Yes child that wouldn't surprise me especially for a rogue none the less." He said.

"I'm not like them sir." I said as I pulled myself up into a seating position.

"I know." He said as he sat down on the end of the bed.

"How do you know? I wasn't thinking about it." I replied.

"You don't have to think about it child. I just know." He said.

There was a pause between us.

"I know what you're plan is." He said.

Shit what plan was he thinking of. My plan or my brother's plan. Either one he is probably going to kill me.

"You plan on convincing my daughter to run away with you far away from your pack, her pack and I." He said with rage filling his voice.

My plan.

A tendril shot out of his back and wrapped around my throat, slamming me into the bedrest.

"I'm telling you this once and once only. I know that you have good intentions with my daughter but if you ever even think of taking my daughter away from me, I will make sure your death will be as slow and agonizing as possible. Clear?" He said with venom laced in his words.

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