Chapter Fourteen

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Slenderman's POV.

"Di-did the child make it?" I said pushing out the words.

"Yes. Emily is inside if you want to see her." Said Razor sympathetically.

Wait what?

"Excuse me?" I said half shocked at the mention of that name.

"That's what Elizabeth named her before she passed away." Said Razor.

Emily. She must had named her after my daughter that passed many years ago.

"Would you like to see her?" He said again.

"No. I can't. Not while I'm like this." I said just getting back up off of my knees. "I just need to clear my head." I said with a cracked voice.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Said Razor.

I didn't say anything. I just teleported away to the front of my mansion in the pitch black of the night. The lights were on and it sounded like most of the Pasta's were in there. I just sat at the base of the nearest tree and just looked at my mansion. I could feel a presence behind me but I didn't care who it was. What ever it was I hope it kills me.

"You know, I have always wondered if there was such thing as karma in this world. The amount of bad shit I had done I would expect karma to be here slapping me in the face right now. But I guess karma is too scared of me." Chuckled Zalgo who sat down beside me. "But maybe, just maybe, karma must be getting stored up after all the bad shit we do, what they do-" He gestured to the mansion. "And at the wrong time, that is when karma will strike. Unfortunately for you it had to be Elizabeth's life." He said patting my shoulder.

"Why her though? Why couldn't it had been me who died. She had done nothing wrong to deserve to die." I said trying my best to not make my voice crack.

"That's the thing. Karma's a bitch like that. For you to die she will have to grieve over your death but she has no karma to deserve that." Said Zalgo.

I thought for a moment.

"Maybe you're right. After all the bad shit I had done, I deserve everything that I deserve." I said while getting up on my feet.

"Slenderman." Said Zalgo. I turned around to give him as much attention that I could give him.

"If you feel like a break from reality, come with me to the underworld." Said Zalgo.

"I can't Zalgo, I'm due home about now and Sally would be sick of operating." I replied.

We just sqat there in silence for a moment.

"Well my offer still stands if you want to take it." He said patting my back before teleporting away.

I sat there in silence a little more before getting up and walking back into the mansion. Apon opening the door, everyone's eyes were on me. I just looked back at them.

I wonder if they know.

"Slendyyy!" Said Sally excitedly as she ran up to me and hugged me from around the knees.

I didn't know how to react to her kindness as I was broken beyond repair. I just patted her on the head before walking towards the stairs.

"Slendy? Don't you want to know how I went being the operator for the past couple of years? I went great!" She said excitedly.

I just ignored her and kept on walking  towards the stairs. I know that it was rude of me to do such a thing to her but my mind was getting fuzzy, my vision was getting hazy and there was a voice trying to tell me something.

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