Chapter Thirteen

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Elizabeth's POV.

'Dear Elizabeth,

I wish you and our daughter the best while I'm gone. Know that I will always be thinking of you both and I'll  make it back to you and our daughter as soon as possible.

With all my love,


I layed there in bed and read the note a few times over. I was truly shattered inside, the mate bond was driving me crazy. Tears started to stream down my face again and let myself sob. My eyes hurt enough already.

I hate the idea of being alone for this long.

"Hello? Liz?" Said Kai who was knocking at the door.

Shit. I don't want him to see me like this. Maybe I should just keep quiet he might think I'm not home. But I can't do that to him.

"Come in." I said. He came into the bedroom and saw me trying to put myself together.

"Oh my god Liz what happened?" He said sincerely. He sat down beside me.

"It's just that Slendy has to go away for two years. And. I. Won't. Be. Able. To. See him." I said in a fit of trying to get my words out. I was crying too hard.

"It's alright Liz. I've mindlinked Naomi to come over." He said trying to comfort me.

It was only a matter of seconds before Naomi came crashing through the door.

"Liz! What happened." She said as she scooped me up in a hug.

"Slenderman left her." Said Kai.

"Wait what?!" Said Naomi shocked.

"No! He didn't leave me. Just let me tell you after I pull my shit together." I said before taking a deep breath.

"Do you know about the legend of Zalgo?" I said.

"No?" Naomi said confused.

"He's the ruler of the underworld." Said Kai.

"Yeah that's him. He made a deal with Slendy. Apparently our daughter is going to be born practically human due to the part's in both of mine and Slenderman's DNA that gives us power doesn't work together. So Zalgo offered he can make her both slender and werewolf. But in return Slendy has to go away for a couple of years to do reaper work which means gathering souls." I said finishing up my rant.

"Has he left already?" Said Naomi softly. I just nodded and wiped away my tears that kept streaming down my face.

"Here," said Naomi as she wrapped me in a warm hug, Kai doing the same. "We're here for you no matter what." Added Naomi.

"Thanks." I said back as I returned the embrace.

Slenderman's POV.

Time skip 1 year.

Day's turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into a year and I was only halfway through my reaper work. The only bad things about this is that I have to travel to other countries in order to fulfill my contract with Zalgo. The most worst thing is that my little girl should be about three months old now and I cannot be there for her, for Elizabeth. I don't even know the name of my own daughter.

I will make it back soon Elizabeth. To you and our daughter.

Elizabeth's POV.

Time skip -3 months.

I have been visiting Raivolle for the past couple of weeks since I have been reaching my due date. She has been doing checkups on the baby's health. My stomach is really big and my mother keeps thinking that I am going to have twins but I don't think so.

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