Chapter Eighteen

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Emily's POV.

I've never been outside of the pack before other than the forest so all this seemed bizarre to me. We were in a place that were surrounded by red rectangle things.

"Where are we? What is this?" I said amazed at the thing that was towering and surrounded me.

"That's bricks. We're in an alleyway." He said as I looked at him. He was in his human form. I never knew that he had one.

"Bricks? Allyway?" I said confused. These are words I had even heard of before.

"You haven't seen a human city before?" He said.

"Human city? I only heard of a human town before but I've never been to it. I haven't even left my tribe before except your forest and the forest where we were going to visit uncle Offenderman." I said.

"Well I guess there's a lot that I have got to show you while we're here." Chuckled Slenderman.

We kept walking along until we reached the end of the alleyway. It was really bright due to the lack of trees as we stepped out of the alleyway. After my eyes adjust to the light, I was awestruck. Ive never seen anything quite like this. We were standing on some flat rock stuff that seemed to stretch out forever. There was also black rock stuff that had hundreds of metal boxes with humans in them moving along it. Humans seemed to walk past me as I looked everywhere. There were big glass things that seemed to touch the top of the sky. I must have been ecstatic taking every single detail in because Slenderman nudged me in the ribs.

"Just behave normally like you would in the pack village. Humans are good at picking up on people that act differently." He said.

It was so noisy. People walked past us as we walked up the flat rock thing. Some looked at me weirdly as I looked  at them.

"Weirdo." I heard one of them scoff.

"Em, you're acting different." Said a casual looking Slenderman.

"What do I do?" I said.

"Well for a start, stop your whole body tensing up. Just let your shoulders hang loosely, stop staring at everyone and thing that passes and say hey to someone every once in a while." He said.

"Okay." I said as I forced myself to relax a little.

"I really should have taken you to a human town first." Chuckled Slenderman as he watched my goofiness. "Here, sit down here for a moment." He said gesturing to a long chair looking thing. "I'm sure there is a lot that you want to know." He added.

"Okay." I said as I sat down. He sat down beside me.

"What are the metal boxes with the humans inside them?" I asked.

"Their called cars or vehicles. They range from different sizes. Humans rely on them because they are lazy." He said.

"And this?" I said pointing to the ground.


"And that?" I pointed to the black path.

"A road."

"And that?" I pointed to the tall glass thing.

"A skyscraper."

"And that?" I pointed to a thing that a human was looking at as they walked past.

"A mobile phone. Humans use them to communicate to one another. Like how we can communicate telepathically." He said.

"Is their anything else?" He said with a laugh.

"No. I think I'm good now." I said as we got up and made our way further down the concrete.

Kai and Naomi didn't even want me to enter the forest at home and I'm currently in a human city! They would definitely kill me and probably Slenderman as well if they found out about this. We walked further and further away from the busy part of the human city as everything seemed to be smaller and less overwhelming. I could start to hear a weird noise. Using my werewolf hearing I zeroed in on the noise. It sounded like water being tipped back into water but a lot of it though. Concrete seemed to dissipate into grass and yellow dry stuff and before I knew it I was standing in front of another sight that I had never seen before.

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