Chapter Twenty Seven

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Slenderman's POV.

Walking down the stairs I was met with an elderly woman who has let herself in my mansion. She wore a cloak with the hood on and had a basket in hand. She mustn't be afraid of death if this human think she can come into my mansion. Before I made it to the last step she turned to face me and a caught a familiar scent.

Werewolf. She's a werewolf.

I swear that I have seen her somewhere but I can't put a finger on it.

"What brings your kind inside my mansion." I asked.

"Shut up you silly Slender. Where is Emily!" She yelled.

"Upstairs in her room. Why is that?" I asked.

"Move aside stupid Slender." She said as she walked past me and up the stairs.

"Hey! I wouldn't go up there if I were you." I warned.

I used a tenril to hold her from going upstairs. As my tenril made contact with her an excruciating pain shot up through the tenril and through my body.

"I call it anti-Slender solution. I smeared it all over my cloak to make sure that you couldn't touch me. I guess it works." She said as she continued to walk upstairs.

Oh well what can I do. I wasn't stopping her for my benefits but hers. Jeff was in Emily's room so this isn't going to turn out so well for her. Not long after a loud crash was heard and I thought that I should go sort it out.

I made it to Emily's room to find Jeff pinning the woman again the wall by the throat while the woman kept her human body, her head has changed into a wolf's head as she snapped at Jeff wildly.

"Enough!" I yelled as I ripped Jeff off of her.

"Now tell me why are you here." I asked the woman.

"Because I'm here to take Emily away from you, you sadistic bastard!" She said as she pushed me.

A sadist? I may be a killer but I am not a sadist.

"Come again?" I said.

"You turned Emily into a sadist! I sensed it only yesterday. Werewolves minds can't handle it and this is why Emily is in this state you asshole." She seethed through her teeth.

"I didn't do anything! How dare you accuse me of such a thing. Do you really think that I'd let her become a sadist?! There is no way that she has the personality to enjoy murdering people. The only people she has killed are Jeff and Julian." I said.

"Wait Julian? The boy that she likes? Why?" She asked dropping her angry facade.

"I don't know the whole story but I can only guess that it was because she found out that he is from the Black Blood Clan." I shrugged.

She sighed as she walked over by Emily's side and pulled out some sort of wet clay looking thing. She rubbed it on Emily's lips and nose and waited for a few moments. Emily's face screwed up and she sat up and spewed on the sheets. To my surprise there were bits of entrails of blood and meat. The woman picked up one of the small pieces of meat and sniffed it.

"Awwe yuck!" Said Jeff as he walked out of the room.

Emily started bawling her eyes out.

"It's human." Said the lady.

"Raivolle.. Dad... I'm so sorry." She howled.

"Emily. What did you do?" I asked a little shocked.

It doesn't worry me that much that she killed a human but it just surprises me is all. As long as it was to protect herself and there was no witnesses around I'm fine with that. I don't want her to turn into a sadist is all.

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