Part 3

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I make my way to see Damon and Stefan, so I casually barge into their house. I'm about to scream out their names when I see Elena in the corridor. "Elena" "Karline" "It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning. Karline?" "Hi Rose-Marie. Long time huh" "Um Rose. I came to talk to you." "You did" Rose and I both say looking at her. "Then I should probably get dressed." Rose said embarrassed. "Why do you need to talk to Rose?" "Long story"

"This is a bad idea." "No, it's not. Your friend Slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You and Damon gave up before you got it. Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it. There's more to learn." "Why are you so desperate to do this Elena." "Because they're willing to risk everyone that I love, and I'm not." "They're just trying to protect you." "You've proven that you couldn't care less whether I'm protected or not. And Karline you don't even know me. So you're taking me to Slater." "What exactly do you hope to achieve by this?" "Rose, how would you like to be able to walk during the daylight?" "I've been a slave to shadows for 500 years. What do you think?" "Well then I'm offering you a deal"

We pull up to what I assume is Slater's apartment in Richmond. I feel off about Elena's intentions but I stay quiet, just going along with her plan for the time-being. After all, I don't want to be seen as the enemy. Rose starts to knock on the door "Slater? Slater, it's Rose. He's not home. Sorry." "No. We didn't come all the way out here for nothing." I roll my eyes and kick the door open. "After you." We all walk in and start to look around till we hear Rose, "I don't think he's gonna be much help." I quickly rush over to see a vampire on the floor with a stake in his heart. "Sorry about Slater." We suddenly hear a sound behind one of the doors. Rose and I start to walk towards the door. Quickly opening the door to see a girl hiding. "Alice?" "Rose. He's dead." She hugs Rose and starts to sob uncontrollably.

"She found him a few minutes before we did. Don't worry she'd overreacting, bigtime." Elena looks at Rose shocked. "Her boyfriend just died. There's no such thing as overreacting." "Those tears are for her." I say, "She didn't care about Slater. She wanted him to turn her. God I hate people who beg to become one of us." Elena goes to talk to Alice while I turn to Rose, "Why is she so desperate to find out about Klaus. I mean she knows about the curse and being a doppelgänger. I'd be hiding if I was her. " Rose opens her mouth to reply when we hear Elena say, "What if I could convince Rose or Karline to turn you? Will you show us his files then?" We both look at her speechless.

"Someone's been here. The hard drive's wiped out. But lucky for you, Slater was paranoid. Everything's backed up on our remote server." I grab Elena "You know that she's not going anywhere near our blood, right?" "I know. She doesn't." Huh, who would've thought. ""Kristen Stewart. " God, was he obvious? These are all leads to vampires? Slater was obsessed. Almost as much as me." "What about that one? "Cody Webber. " They exchanged dozens of e-mails about Elijah. Tell him that we're trying to send a message to Klaus. The doppelganger's alive, and she's ready to surrender." Oh this idiot"What?" "Oh, my God. I knew I recognized you." "Shut up Alice. Elena are you crazy? After everything we told you? Do you want to die?" "Get him the message, please. Karline please let me do this. I need to save my family." "So this whole charade was some suicide mission so that you could sacrifice yourself and save everyone else." "Cody is on his way and he really wants to meet you." I turn to Rose, "call Damon. Now." God the stupidity of humans.

"Damon finally. I thought you'd never show up. Go stop your stupid doppelgänger" "You called him?" "Not me. Rose. Sorry, Elena." "You said that you understood." "She lied. Come on, we're leaving." "No." "God dammit Elena just go." "This my decision. Klaus is going to kill everyone single person that I love." "Guys. Lets go, Alice won't remember a moment of this stupid day." We turn to leave when three men walk in. Shit."We're here to meet the doppelganger." "Thank you for coming." "I will break your arm. There's nothing here for you." The vampires prepare to attack when one falls to the ground. Then I see him. Elijah, with the vampire's heart. Rose quickly runs out, scared. We lock eyes and I could tell he was shocked, trying to keep it together as well. "I killed you. You were dead." What? Oh Damon you have a lot of explain."For centuries now." He looks at the other two vampires. "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "I'm Elijah." The two vampires turn from confident to terrified from one name. "We were gonna bring her to you, for Klaus. She's the doppelganger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus would wanna see her." "Does anyone else know you're here?" "No" "Well, then you have been incredibly helpful." Then in a split second the two vampires fell to the ground. Then Elijah looks at me one more time before running out. I turn to Damon with a straight face before turning to Elena, extremely angry. "Look doppelgänger. Don't you dare try to pull a stunt like this again or I swear I'll lock you up myself. Got it?" I turn to Damon, "You and I need to have a talk." And with that I run out.

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