Part 8

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I'm about to storm into the Salvatore's house when I'm stopped by a barrier What the? I'm about to call Damon's name when I hear two footsteps come out. I hide till I see Damon and I quickly ran towards him and pushed him against a wall "Where is he?" I demanded showing him my vamp face "God Kar that hurt" "I push him harder against the wall, cutting off his air circulation "Okay okay, he's with Elena right now. She undaggered him this morning" "And that is where?" "I don't know. If we knew we'd already be there getting Elena and daggering Elijah again" "Don't you dare. I'm much older, stronger so that means I can kill you in anytime I like. You try to dagger Elijah again I'll kill you. Got it?" He rolls his eyes but nods his head, so I drop him to the ground. "One other thing you should know. Huge drama with Katherine and she got captured by Klaus a few days ago. Don't know if she's dead or alive, we were going to go check, wanna come?" I glare at Damon "You really couldn't have called me earlier. But now that I'm here" I quickly grab Damon's neck and snap it. "That's for being a dick."

We hear loud music coming from Alaric's apartment "I don't think that this is a good idea." "Oh, this is a great idea. Go on, knock" bloodbag hesitantly goes to knock "Hi, Alaric, you home? It's Andie Star, Jenna's friend." Ahh so that's her name, Andie. Andie opens the door to reveal a relieved Kat. "Thank God." "Wow. You were right. She looks exactly like Elena and Karline." "Yup." Damon and I tried to get through but get stopped by the barrier. "Thought you might be dead." "Unfortunately not." Kat finally notices me and smiles "Hey Kal" "Hey Kat" "What are you doing here?" Before I could say anything, Andie answers "We are here to rescue you." "No, sweetie, we are here to see if she deserves to be rescued." "Damon!" He just ignores me "I figured you still might be kicking. Alari-Klaus was blending way too easily. I figured he had probably had some coaching." He holds up a small bottle filled with liquid "Is that?" "Vervain, your salvation." Kat looks defeated "It's not gonna undo anything." "There's always a loophole though." "Did he tell you to stay until he said it was okay to leave?" Kat goes to reply but doesn't say anything "You can't say. Did he tell you to do absolutely everything he says until the end of time?" "No." "There's your loophole. Drink this and it will prevent any further compulsion." Kat walks up, but Damon doesn't give it to her "Give it to me." "Answer one question first. You double-crossed us with Isobel. Why?" Never liked Isobel. Anyone who wants to become a vampire had bad motives"I didn't think you stood a chance against Klaus. I was looking out for myself. And Kal. Don't say I told you so." I smirk knowing she knows I was right. Damon throws her the bottle "Here. Be careful with that. If he finds out you have that, you're never getting out here, but you owe me, and I will collect. Come on." Andie and Damon look back expecting me to follow "I'll go later" The two walk off and we're left alone. "I see you're holding up" "I see you're back" "Why didn't you tell me you were out more importantly why didn't you tell me they daggered Elijah?" "Well I thought I didn't need you help after getting out considering I had everything I needed to bait Klaus and I knew you'd get quite pissed so I did them a favour by keeping their secret. I swear I was gonna undagger him after this whole fiasco was over. But no matter you're here now. You know should know though, his stupid minions are getting his real body here right now. Thought you should know." "Well the full moon is in a few days I wonder if he'll actually succeed" "Well I don't care. I just want out of here" "I'm pretty sure Elijah's going to kill him so wait till tomorrow. Then you'll be free. But till then bye" I wave at her before making my way out of the building. I take in the sun before looking around, thinking where Elijah and Elena could be. I'm about to start my search when I get a message from an unknown number Lockwood mansion. In a few seconds I find myself looking around the area, in search of Elijah. "Kalina" I turn around to see Elijah in his usual suit looking at me with multiple emotions across his face. "Elijah" I quickly run into his open arms where he hugs me very tightly "I'm so sorry love. They daggered me, I would never leave you" 'It's okay. I know, I already broke Damon's neck. You're here now." We look into each other's eyes before passionately kissing, having missed the other's presence.

I sit in Elijah's lap while we wait for Elena to come back. Finally, we hear the doors opening to see a surprised Elena. "Karline?" "Hey Elena. Missed me?" "Look Karline, I know you're mad at us for daggering. I tried to stop them. I'm sorry" She looks quite apologetic, I just give her genuine smile. "Now please tell me, what is Klaus's curse?" "You know, my family was quite close. But Klaus and my father did not get on too well and when we became vampires, we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son. My mother had been unfaithful many years before. This was her darkest secret. Of course, when my father discovered this he hunted down and he killed my mother's lover and his entire family. Not realizing, of course, that he was igniting a war between species that rages until this day. The vampires and the werewolves." "So, Klaus's real father was from a werewolf bloodline? What does that make Klaus? A werewolf or a vampire?" "He's both. A hybrid would be deadlier than any werewolf or vampire. The servants of nature, the witches, saw to it that my brother's werewolf side would become dormant." "That's the curse Klaus wants to break?" "He wants to trigger that part of him that's werewolf. If allowed, Klaus would sire his own bloodline. He'd build his own race endangering not just vampires but everyone." "But you helped him." "I helped him because I loved him. That's changed now. He must die." "We have the dagger. We can stop him." "Elena, when a werewolf is wounded by silver, it heals. An Original can't be killed by anything but white oak ash on silver dagger. That's why Elijah's not dead." "What are you saying? Klaus can't be killed?" "There's one way to kill any supernatural species. At the hands of the servants of nature themselves. A witch." "If they can channel that much power." Elena looks like she's hesitating to tell us something when "What if I told you that I knew a witch that could channel that much power?" "Then I would tell you there's one more thing that you should know. 500 years ago, when Kalina and Katerina were in your place, I having fallen in love with Kalina, was determined to save her." "So, you found a way to save the life of the doppelgängers?" "Yes he did. But, unfortunately, Katerina took matters into her own hands first. I followed because I didn't want her to be alone. But you see how that played out. I suggest you don't do the same." "Okay fine. But Elijah, I want to renew our deal." "Let's hear it then."

After Elena and Elijah's renegotiation, we make our way into the Salvatore's living room, Elena inviting us in, but we hear this huge commotion. Elena runs to the living room and screams "Stop!" The two brothers break off looking at us. Damon spoke up "Now you've invited him in?" "Elijah and I renewed the terms of our deal." "Really?" "The two of you will come to no harm at my hands. I only ask for one thing in return." Elijah steps towards them "What?" "An apology." "A what?" Are you deaf Damon?Stefan, being the more moral one steps forward "I'm sorry for the part that I played in your death. I was protecting Elena. I will always protect Elena." "I understand." Damon still refuses to apologies. "The sacrifice is going to happen, Damon. Bonnie will kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life. I told you I'd find another way." "Is that true?" "It is." "And you're trusting him? " "I am." "You can all go to hell." I can only roll my eyes and sigh. 

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