Part 7

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The next day I wake up and my necks still sore, I turn to cuddle Elijah when I realise he's not there. I quickly stand up and check the time to see 12pm. I overslept. Oh my god. I turn to his side and see a note My love Kaline. I didn't want to wake you, you needed the sleep and you looked too peaceful to bother. I'll be back tonight. Elijah

I smile his note and go to take a shower. As I got out of the shower I can see a message from Elijah. Love I'm going to go have dinner with the Salvatores. I don't trust them so I don't want you to come with me. Don't stay up for me.I turn my phone off and stare at my reflection. I looked at my neck and I get a flashback of getting tortured. I take a sharp breathe and look back at my reflection. I haven't gotten flashbacks in a while. I walk out of the bathroom and get dressed into something comfortable. As I'm going throughout my business in the house, I keep getting small flashbacks of the werewolves torturing me. Sure it's not the most brutal thing I've experienced, but I haven't been tortured in a while. For some reason, I always get flashbacks after going through something painful. Although Elijah told me to not to wait for him, I patiently wait for him to come back but after a while I start to get worried. I leave a million messages on his phone but he didn't reply, which was weird. I decide to go to sleep and ask him tomorrow. I turn off my lights and fall into a deep slumber.

I wake up the next day and expect to see Elijah next to me but all I can see is the other side of the bed, unslept in. I frown knowing he wouldn't have gone somewhere without telling me. I quickly check my phone to see if there were any messages left and surprisingly there was only one. Leave Mystic Falls, I don't need you here as a distraction.I stare at the message in shock. Elijah would never tell me to leave, especially over a message. Still in misbelief I call his number, but it goes straight to voicemail "Elijah if you're listening to this, you some serious explaining to do". I end up calling him 10 times but every time, it just goes straight to voicemail. Frustrated and hurt I start to pack my thing. If he wants to throw away everything between him and I, then I'll leave him for good then.Kat should be fine, it's not like Klaus's gonna show up magically tomorrow. I'll go back when she calls me. I go to my car and check my phone one last time to see if there are any messages. None. Just a blank screen. I sigh and start to drive away from Mystic Falls.

Elena's POV

Damon goes through Elijah's phone after texting Karline "Damon I don't think we should be doing this to Karline. She seems really nice and I don't think this is the best way to stay on her good side." "Well I'm already on her bad side and I don't care. I don't trust her." "Well isn't it better if we get her to trust us and help us?" "Well one, we daggered her boyfriend and two her evil psychotic twin is out of the tomb, who's the reason she's in Mystic Falls in the first place. Now I'm pretty sure if she finds out we daggered Elijah she's going to snap my neck and find a way to stop us. She needs to go. Besides, we can always call her back if Klaus ever decides to show his face in Mystic Falls. But till then," Damon crushes Elijah's phone and throws it to the fireplace "she needs to be away from Mystic Falls."

Kalina's POV

I smile as finish drinking my last meal. I throw him down onto the pile of bodies I've just drunk from. I've missed fresh blood. Not those blood bags ones, they've always tasted off. I sit back on the couch comfortably and close my eyes. It's been almost 2 weeks since I 've left Mystic Falls and I've been in a bliss. Shopping, clubbing and drinking. Ahhh the freedom. I have no idea what's been going on in Mystic Falls though, I would've thought Elijah would eventually call but guess I'm not that important to him. What sucks is that I miss him a lot and I miss his presence. My silent moment was soon interrupted when my phone decided to go off. I look at the caller and I'm surprised to see Damon's name. "Damon?" "Where are you." "New York, Paris, not in Mystic Falls. What do you want." "Klaus is here, and we really need your help." "So?" "So what? We need your help" "But why is it you calling me and not Kat? Is she still in the tomb?" There was a slight pause on the other side which concerned me "Yea about that. We kinda daggered Elijah and apparently it released her from his compulsion" "You daggered Elijah?!" "Yes, but Klaus has Katherine now and the moonstone and we need just need you here." I can't even reply. They daggered Elijah. "Karline?" "Why should I even help you? You daggered Elijah and had the audacity to not even..." Something else just popped into my head "You sent the message to get me out of Mystic Falls didn't you?" "Look Kar I swear to god it wasn't to hurt you. Katherine got out when we daggered Elijah and then we-I panicked. I'm sorry, I promise to make it up to you. Please. I silently curse under my breathe "Just know I'm doing this to save Kat, not Elena you got me." I hang up the phone in anger. I can't believe they daggered Elijah without telling me. I knew Elijah wouldn't have left me like that. They couldn't just listen to me huh. I can't wait to break Damon's neck at least 50 times.

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