Part 15

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Along the whole way back to Mystic Falls, Klaus continues to snap Stefan's neck till we finally arrive in Mystic Falls. "Rebekah sweetheart, why don't you have a look around town first. Kalina, want to join her to wait with me here" "I'll wait. Go have fun Beks" She quickly runs out the van. After a while of waiting for Stefan to wake up once again, I got impatient so I kicked his foot "Oi, wake up" Stefan finally starts to stir and he sees Klaus and I looking at him with poker faces. Stefan puts his hands in front as if he's being extra cautious "Just give me a chance to explain myself, ok?" "No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious." Stefan looks confused, so I continue to explain "Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts; borderline supernatural. That's why she trusted me way before any of her brothers did" "So we thought we would check it out." Klaus walks to open the back door "See for myself what it is you've been hiding. Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan." Stefan looks panicky.

Klaus and I walk around the high school in search of the gang. We split ways and I soon walk into a very much alive Elena. She almost knocks into me and gasps "Karline" "Hey Elena. Nice to see you up and running. But then I've spent the past few months thinking you were dead" "If you're here, Stefan here. Wait is Klaus here as well?" I couldn't even answer as I felt Klaus's presence next to me. "There's girl" "Klaus" He looks at Elena extremely angry "You are supposed to be dead" Klaus starts to walk off with Elena "You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids, now I haven't been able to do that, and my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing." You could tell Elena was scared to death "If you're going to kill me, just do it!" "Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." We walk into the basketball court "Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home." I make sure the court's cleared and I go back to see Elena trying to save two students "Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody." "Oh, Elena. Of course, he does. We just spent like 6 months trying to create hybrids, which failed, and Stefan failed to mention you were alive. And that could've saved us the last 6 months of running. Let's just say we're quite pissed" "Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?" "Stefan's on a time out." "That lying ass" The gym doors revealing a startled Bonnie "Bonnie, get out of here!" Klaus vamps to her "Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started." "Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." The two compelled students fall to the ground in tears "I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" "That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me." "Oh, there's no need for blame, Bonnie. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, we're going to have you find the fix." Bek walks in with Tyler "Get off of me!" "Hush now. I'd like you all to meet my best friend, Klaus's sister Rebekah." "Word of warning She can be quite mean." "Don't be an ass." Elena and Bonnie can only stare at us holding onto Tyler "Leave him alone!" Klaus takes him from us "Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Klaus feeds Tyler his blood then snaps his neck, his body falling onto the ground with a huge thump "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake You better hurry." The human boy, Matt, kneels onto the ground next to Tyler "He killed him." "He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire and if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Now go fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not." "I'll hold on to Elena, for safe-keeping." Bek goes closer to Elena "So this is the latest doppelgänger." She looks at Elena then at me "Kalina's way prettier" I smile and blow her a kiss "Enough, Rebekah. We all know Kalina's prettier. Now take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you? Kalina, love. Help me watch the doppelgänger?"

Klaus and I continue to wait for Bonnie to return when the gym doors open, revealing "Stefan" "Come to save your damsel, mate?" "I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty." I laugh That's not gonna work again"Well, you broke that pledge once already." "Elena means nothing to me anymore and whatever you ask of me I will do." I roll my eyes. Does he really think Klaus is that stupid? "Fair enough. Let's drink on it." He points to the two students "Kill them." Stefan doesn't move "What are you waiting for? Kill them." Elena tries to intervene "No! Stefan, don't. He's not going to hurt me."That idiot"He already said ahh!" Her human confidence is starting to annoy me so I slap her in the face, but I'm attacked by Stefan, who I easily overpower "She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up." "Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!" "Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this." Klaus takes Stefan from my arms "Stop fighting." Stefan to avoid the compulsion "Don't do this, please." "I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it." Klaus looks at Stefan straight in the eyes "You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey." I can see Elena trying to reach Stefan, but I stop her "No! Stefan!" "Now kill them. Ripper." Stefan, in his ripper mode, goes and attacks the two students, leaving them for dead on the floor. "It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot." "You did this to him." "He invited him to the party, love. Stefan's the one dancing on the table." "Where is it?! Where's my necklace?" We turn to see Bekah walking towards us, fuming. "What are you talking about?" "She has my necklace. Look." "Well, well. More lies." Bekah is furious "Where is it?" "I don't have it anymore." "You're lying!" Bekah attacks Elena and I push her away "Bek! Calm down! We'll find it." "Make her tell me Kal." I turn to Elena in an innocent manner "Elena, where's the necklace? Be honest. Or else I won't be held responsible for your or Stefan's deaths" "I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it." I sigh "Katerina. Of course." I turn to Nik "You know I swear she's trying to get herself killed lately" "Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" Klaus walks towards the scoreboard controller "20 minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to." "No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!" "No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine." I sit back, waiting for the scene to unfold. Bek and Klaus leave to check on Bonnie and Tyler leaving me, Elena and Stefan. "Karline. Why are you helping them? I thought you were on our side?" I just give Elena a look "I'm sorry. I didn't know I took your side in the first place. From what I remember I came to Mystic Falls to help Katerina and Elijah, not you Elena. Yes, I saved your life twice but that doesn't mean I'm going to betray my oldest friends for a group of people who attempted to kill my boyfriend. Besides, this whole situation happened because you stayed alive. Even so, if we knew you were alive before, we could've dealt with this before we went on a wild goose hunt. Those two guys behind you would be alive. Stefan lied to us for 6 months Elena. Put yourself in our position" There were about 6 minutes left and I was getting bored. "Have fun dealing with him Elena, but then pointer. Convince him not to become a ripper, show him how much you love him. Might buy you some time." I walk out to find Klaus. "Hey Nik, I'm gonna head off for a few days. I think it's time I find out what Katerina is doing." Nike chuckles "Very well. Remember to" "Give you a call after you find anything. I know I know." I give him a hug "Don't be an ass to Bekah and please at least try to be nice to the kids." "What are you talking about. I'm on my best manners." I just stare at him before laughing "Bye Niklaus" I then walk out the high school in search on my sister. 

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