Part 14

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I wake up to the car coming to a stop "Welcome back to Chicago, Kalina. I know how much you loved it here." "Brings back a lot of good memories. The jazz, the clothes, the boys ughh, men always looked hotter in suits." "What are we doing here?" Stefan looked quite confused "Well I'm pretty sure you had a ripper session here" "I blocked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur." "Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what makes it legend Stefan." "Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was prohibition. Everything was off limits then, which made everything so much fun." I smile at the memories "Chicago was magical." "Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it." "Ready to get down to business, then?" "Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?" "We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with my hybrid problem, it's her." We walked into my favorite bar back in the days. Pretty sure it was everyone's favorite bar."Looks familiar, doesn't it?" "I can't believe this place is still here." "You got to be kidding me." "So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..." "Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." I burst out laughing, Klaus just glares at me "What. It's true" Stefan recognizes Gloria "I remember you. Yeah. You're Gloria. But shouldn't you be" "Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?" "Gloria's a very powerful witch." "I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day." "Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar." "Yeah, sure thing." "Hey Gloria. Longtime" "Kal. Still gorgeous as always" "You look ravishing, by the way." Klaus compliments "Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels." "So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse." I butted in "Obviously you did something wrong." "She's right you know Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old, we'd have to contact the witch who created it." "Well, that would be the original witch. She's very dead." "I know but for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah." "Rebekah is a bit preoccupied." "She has what I need. Bring her to me." Stefan steps out of the bar with a photo. "What is this?" "Well, I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place." "But this is me. With you." "Stating the obvious huh?" "This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you?" "You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes." "No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?" "I'm a little busy right now. Memory Lane will have to wait. "What the hell is going on? Answer me." "Oh my god. I'll tell you. Let's just say you guys didn't get off to a brilliant start. I'm pretty sure he hated you." I go down memory lane and Stefan seems surprised. By then we're at a warehouse "So I knew another original vampire." "If you can't handle it, then don't ask." Klaus opens up Rebekah's coffin "I don't recognize her." "Well, don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine." Klaus's pulls out her dagger "Time to wake up, little sister." She stays grey and still "Any day now, Rebekah. She's being dramatic." "Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?" "Well, you have many useful talents. In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you. I was your number one fan." "Why should I believe any of this?" I walk up to the security guard "When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed, till you die." "Where are you going?" You think we're lying, Stefan. You guys knew each other." "You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you." "How?" "We're going to your old apartment." "Look guys, you guys can relieve more memories, I'm getting bored so I'll see you guys back here." I don't wait for their answer as I rush out of the building.

After a few shopping sessions, I go back to the warehouse and see Klaus, Stefan, and Rebekah. "Bekah!" I screamed running towards her I give her a hug, her returning it "Kal. I've missed you so much." Klaus breaks us off and we glare at him. "Okay, now that we're done with reuniting, Rebekah. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch." "The original witch." "What do you have that Gloria needs?" Rebekah smiles and touches her neck, only to frown and panic "Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!" "I don't know. I didn't touch it." "We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back!" "Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!" Both Mikaelson siblings end up shouting with Rebekah flipping her coffin after realizing her necklace isn't anywhere to be seen. "Bek. We'll find it. But first, let's go shopping. People are going to question your outfit" Still upset Rebekah lets me drag her along in attempts to cheer her up. I can hear the boys groan behind us and I just glare at them, making them follow us.

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