Part 4

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I walk into the Salvatore's house till I'm stopped by a hand pushing me to a wall. "Hello again Karline. What do you want." "Nice to see you to Damon. And what am I doing? That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot." He reluctantly releases me and glares while I smile at him sweetly. "Geez, I'm not here to kill your precious Elena anytime soon. I just want my sister out of the tomb. Is that too much to ask for, cause unlike you and Stefan, we have a good relationship." "Yes considering your sister tried to go after Elena." "Look she has her reasons for this. You'll find out soon enough. Now here's the deal, you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. Okay? Okay. Now what was the deal with Elijah. Care to explain?" "Nope not really." "Look if I'm going to help you guys. You need to tell me everything. I'm much older than you guys as well, which means much stronger. Besides I could've killed Elena already. You guys can trust me" "Hm... maybe later. Gotta go. Elena's stuck in her house and I need to go see Stefan, who's stuck inside the tomb thanks to your sister's stunt." "Why did you guys do? Provoke her?" "Ehhh something like that." With a smirk Damon left, leaving me all alone.

With one thought in my head I start to rummage through the entire house, trying to find the damn moonstone. Even though she aggravates me at times, Katerina's the only family I have left. I can't live without my sister.

Flashback Starts

"Kalina, you need to get the moonstone for me. Damon took it from me before he chucked me in here" "Damon? Seriously, what happened to the nice Damon who was obsessed with you?" "Who knows. Ask Elena, she seems to have the two brothers wrapped around her finger" "Now who does that remind me of" She glares at me playfully. I laugh. "Don't worry. I'll find it and till you get out, I'll keep the moonstone safe. You better get out soon. You owe me a day of shopping and night of drinking"

Flashback Ends

God this house is so damn big. I gave up after looking up the fireplace. I look at my hands and decide to come back another day, maybe ask Damon "nicely". I go to the bathroom and grab a soap from a bowl full of soap when something grabs my attention. The look into the bowl and grab the precious moonstone. I smirk in triumph, slip it into my pocket and make my way out of the house. Sorry boys. You'll understand someday.

I walk around Mystic Falls with a shake in my hand. It's been more than a century since I've been here. As I sit on the bench to see all the people walking, a figure catches my attention in the corner of my eyes. I turn to see a figure I haven't seen in many years. "Elijah" "Kalina". I stare in shock as I see the man had fallen in love with many years ago. I can't even move as he quickly walks towards me and holds my face in his hand. "I've missed you" "Can't say the same. I still haven't forgiven you you know." I quickly turn and start to walk away but I'm pulled back by a strong force. "Please. Come with me. Give me a chance to explain." I pull my hand from his grip but follow him to his car where he speeds away.

"What do you want Elijah?" "I told you. I missed you. Is it so bad I want to see my love after 100 years?" "Well considering you kept me waiting 100 years. Yes, its bad. No letter, visit? You knew where I was, I told you where to find me before you left me. Why didn't you come back to me?" He sighed and took one of my hands to his lips. "I'm sorry Kalina" God I love the way he says my name "I found out Niklaus buried my family at sea. I need to avenge my family. I couldn't take any chances of Niklaus finding me with you and kill you as well." I stare at him in shock. "I'm so sorry Elijah. I had no idea, but you should've told me. I would've helped you and stayed by your side. It would've been better than me thinking you either forgot about me, found someone better or died. Well you can't die but you know what I mean." "I'm sorry love. But I promise you. I'll never leave you again" He looks at me and smiles. I smile back interlocking my hand with his. "Now care to tell me why you're here?"

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