Part 11

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I finally find the two brothers after almost 2 days of searching. I reach Elijah just as Klaus finishes changing. "Well, you seem to have been busy." The two turn their heads towards me "Ahhh Kalina, nice of you to join the party." "Well you have been hard to track down" "You can thank Elijah for that. Well, you're welcome to join us, I'm going to reunite my dear brother with our siblings. More the merrier" I roll my eyes and link my arms with Elijah's "Well let's go then." We reach Klaus's/Alaric's apartment and, get welcomed by Katerina once the doors open "Klaus, you're back. Look who decided to come for a visit." She pulls out Stefan" "You just keep popping up, don't you?" "I need your help. For my brother." "Whatever it is, is gonna have to wait. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." Klaus walks off somewhere, leaving Stefan to stare down at Elijah "You understand how important family is or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own." Suddenly we hear Klaus behind us "And so I shall." Klaus stabs a dagger into Elijah's heart. I scream "Shh. Sorry, Kalina." Then he snapped my neck.

When I wake up and I'm in a warehouse with Klaus leaning over Elijah's body and Stefan off to the side. Klaus beaming at Stefan, who's ripping into a blood bag, Elijah on the floor and Katerina nowhere in sight. "I suppose, brother you've been reunited with our family. Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight. So, did Katerina make it in time?" What did he mean "make it in time"? "You won't be seeing her again you know." "Because she's on vervain?" Of course, Klaus knew "I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't get far. You'll help me see to that." What is it you really want from me?" "All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town." "Then are we done here? Can we go?" "Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you. Come here, sweetheart." A petrified teenage girl walks out. Obviously under compulsion "See, I wanna make sure you honor our deal that you'll be of use to me. I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt." As Stefan rips into the girl's neck, with Klaus beaming at him. I quickly run towards Klaus, with my vamp face on. I grab and slam him onto a box. "What the hell Klaus? You said you'll take him to your siblings" "Well I did look." I look inside the box to see 5 other coffins inside. "Now what to do with you" Klaus switches our position so now I'm against the box. "I am so sorry that I'm doing this, but I need you to cooperate with me for a while" "What?" Klaus looks into my eyes "Klaus no please." "You are going to forget that I daggered Elijah instead you had a fight with him so you're currently angry at him and you're not going to think about him till mentioned. You're going to follow and listen to me until I release you from my compulsion." I suddenly forget why I'm angry and Klaus "Umm Klaus let go of me. Geez" Klaus releases me with a sad smile on his face. We both turn to Stefan who has a dead girl by his feet. "Now we can go."

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