Part 25

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"Elijah, being human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family and fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters." We made it back to the Mikaelson mansion in Mystic Falls and the remaining Mikaelsons were deciding the fate of the cure, me not wanting to participate in the argument. "Well, that was poetic." "Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus, please." "Silas can appear as anyone." Klaus looked quite terrified at the name of Silas "He got inside my thoughts, convinced me I was dying. He'll torment me until I give him the cure." "In doing so he'll break down the wall to the Other Side." "So, it doesn't trap him there when he dies. He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. You of all lovesick fools should applaud his devotion." "He'll open the floodgates for every supernatural being that ever died. Including our dear brothers, Kol and Finn. We'll have our family back." "Please, you hated Kol and you kept Finn in a box for most of his life." Klaus turns to Elijah, who's sat there listening to Klaus's and Bekah's quarrel "Elijah, please." "Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in jeopardy, Klaus." Klaus's face drops "I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness." "Tell me you're joking. Tell me you're not faiting me to an eternity of torture." "I made my decision." Klaus stands up frustrated and leans down to Bekah's ears "When you're sick and dying and you beg for my blood I will laugh in your face and compel you to forget me." Klaus leaves the room frustrated whilst Bekah looks towards me, slightly frazzled by Nik's words and clears her throat. "Where is the cure?" "Rebekah it's no secret that you are impulsive, emotional and at times, morally questionable. Prove to me this isn't just another one of your whims." We both look at Elijah That you know precisely what you are giving up here." "Fine, anything." "We want you to live a day as a human. This day. No vampire privileges. No strength, no compulsion, no nothing." "If you succeed, if you still believe this is what you want, then the cure is yours. I just don't want you to regret your decision Bek" "Deal and Kal, being humans what I've hoped for, for centuries. I'll prove it to you guys don't worry. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go prom shopping" With that she leaves the house. I turn to Elijah slightly worried "Do you think she'll be able to pass?" "I'm not sure, but for Rebekah's sake, we should stay positive." I smile at him and sit on his lap "You're such a good person Elijah. So moral and fair. Another reason why I love you" I kiss him passionately, Elijah spending no time walking into our bedroom for a long session in bed.

I walk into Klaus's study with the white oak stake "Where did you get that?" "You baby sister. Once Bek's human, it will make no difference to her whatsoever." I give it to him "Take it." "Why would you give me this?" "We are immortal apart from the stake. Now that it's yours, you have nothing to fear." "Silas will continue to torment me." "Well, you survived endless torments throughout the centuries. You can get through this Nik. I know you and you're strong. And if you can't, you'll outrun him. That's how I avoided you for 400 years" I joked, trying to lighten the mood "Yes, it's that simple?" He still looked mad "Without the cure, what makes you think I'll spare your sister?" "You will spare her because I'm asking you to spare her." "As she's the only family left since you killed off my entire family, I'm begging you to just leave her alone. Please." "You had an opportunity, you had the cure, you could've sided with me, instead you went against me." "Look. I wasn't involved in that argument in the first place. But you know I would've given it to you but you guys had your little quarrel which pushed me out of the deal" "It's going to take more than the cure to get me to forgive Katerina, and considering I never got it in the end, she's still on the hit list" frustrated I walk out of the room, knowing his stubbornness wasn't going to let me change his mind.

I'm off in the sidelines at the prom, keeping an eye on Rebekah. I still didn't think becoming a human was the best choice for her but if she's determined, I fully support her. I see her healing a human and obviously that means she failed, but that was something Elijah didn't need to know until "Dear, sweet April Young. Now there's a girl with a future." Klaus comes out of the bushes, catching Bek in her acts "She was dying, and I acted with human decency. You can't get more human than that." Bek tried to defend herself "Actually, you can. You can stand idly by as poor April takes her final breath. You can ask, "Why does this always happen to innocent people? Where do the spirits go? Was there anything I could have done?" That is what it means to be human, sister. You give humanity too much credit." I can tell she's about to burst into tears "You're gonna tell Elijah." "No. No, you are." I quickly vamp home to Elijah, hoping maybe he had a better heart than Niklaus had at this point. Strangely enough, when I walked to the bottom of the garden steps, I see a blonde figure in the yellow dress, the same one Bekah wore tonight, go up the stairs and disappear at the top. "Elijah" he turns to look at me, but his phone goes off and by the look on his face, I could tell something wasn't right "Rebekah?" "Elijah, I think Nik's up to something." "Where did you go?" "I'm still at prom." Elijah turns to me with a stunned face. I quickly search the perimeter for Silas but is left with the dark and moonlight. When I reach back to Elijah he had an angry expression on his face "Silas". We hear footsteps and see Niklaus had returned. I quickly ran to him "How could you! She's your sister. Do you not care for her happiness?" "She doesn't deserve the cure to fulfil one of her whims. Our family's safety is more important. Silas was going to come after us in the end" I take a step back, having no other thing to say, "Where's she now?" "Who knows, she'll come through soon." He pats me on the back and walks back inside the house. I turn to Elijah and just sigh, walking back inside the house. 

It's been a few days since the cure incident and Klaus hasn't been seen in a while. Rebekah and I are sitting down when Elijah walks in informing us that Klaus has been seen in New Orleans. "New Orleans? What the hell is Klaus doing there?" "Evidently, there are witches conspiring against him. So, knowing our brother, this was a mission to silence and slaughter." "Well, the French Quarter witches are not a lot to be trifled with." "You don't suppose they've found a way to kill him, do you?" I asked worriedly but Rebekah smirks in amusement and we both turn to her "In the name of our family, you might try to dial down your glee." "What family? We are three distrustful acquaintances, not you Kal, who share a bloodline. I hope they've found a way to make that traitorous bastard rot." "Bek, as much as I hate Klaus half the time, he's still your brother." Elijah stands up and starts to head out "Where are you going?" "To find out who's making the move against Niklaus. And then I'll either stop them or I'll help them. Depending on my mood." I glance over at Bek who's just as confused as me. "Okay, should we follow him?" "You can. I'm going to stay here and drink my anger and sadness away" She pours a glass of bourbon and walks out. I groan and follow Elijah and hug him from behind. "You're going after him, aren't you?" "Well, I'm quite curious to know who's made Klaus has run back to New Orleans. It's your choice if you wish to follow me. I don't want you bought into another Klaus problem" "I think it's too late for that" I chuckle, and Elijah turns to hold me in his arms. "How long till we leave then?" "I look behind him and shrug at him "Nothing's stopping us right now."

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