Part 12

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It's been a few months since we've been on the road. Klaus's plan is to find werewolves, so he can create a hybrid army. We're currently tracking a man named Ray Sutton and we have a lead on his whereabouts. Klaus and Stefan get out of the car to see if he's inside. Its late and I don't feel like moving. After a few minutes, Klaus walks out of the house with 2 screams that could be heard from a mile away. Klaus gets in the car and turns to me "Stefan?" "Ripper" I roll my eyes and stretch "I'm tired. Can we get a hotel to sleep in or something?" "After I make my army, I'll take you to the most luxurious hotel there is okay. But till then this car's your best friend." After Stefan came out, we were on the road again, stopping at a pub. "Now Kalina, I need you to go in there and flirt with Ray Sutton." "Ughhh why me?" "Well, I don't think Stefan or I are qualified enough to seduce a man anytime soon." "Fine. But I want the whiskey bottle" I get out the car and into the pub. As soon as I walk in I can smell the werewolf. He's sitting at the bar, drinking a beer. "Hey, I'll have a whiskey thanks." "Aren't you a little young to drink." Ray asks with a smile "Trust me, I'm older than I look." I wink and thank the bartender for the drink. I take a sip before turning to Ray. "I'm Karline by the way" "Ray" "So Ray, what you doing out here?" "Oh nothing much, I travel a lot and this is one of my common pit stops" "Ahh I see. Do you travel alone?" "Yea usually. Why? Want to join me?" Yea no thanks. I see Klaus and Stefan entering the bar "Ahahaha no because normally your type seems to always travel in packs." I look into his eyes, with a serious look on my face. All the flirting nature seemed to disappear from Ray as well "I think I'll be going." "Not so fast, mate." Klaus stops him from leaving "You only just got here. Now your type are very hard to come by." "Vampires." "You're swifty swift, Ray. Yes, my friends here are vampires." "My friend's compelled everyone in the bar, so don't look to them for any help." "I, however," Klaus said, sitting Ray down "I'm something else. A different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, - I've got some wolf." "You're what?" Ray sounded very confused but scared "A hybrid, Ray. I'm both. You see, I want to create more of me. Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, pun intended, Ray, I need you to direct me to your pack. So Where can I find them, Ray?" "You can't compel me, it won't work." I roll my eyes knowing this is going to be a long night. Stefan stands Ray up "Tell you what, Ray. We're going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." Klaus sits down next to me "Oh, this is going to be fun, Ray." "And long," I say, turning to the bartender "I want the whiskey bottle"

Stefan has been torturing Ray for a few hours now. Throwing darts dipped in wolfsbane. Ray's holding up quite well, whilst Klaus and I lean against each other drinking our 3rdbottle of whiskey. "Ray" Stefan calls "You can end this right now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon." "I can't." "I know, I know, you live by a code and all that, but see, he's not going to let me stop until you tell me and I do whatever he says. That's the way it goes around here." Just then one of Klaus's compelled informers comes towards us. "Hello, Mr. Klaus. I have some information for you. You told me to tell you if I saw anything. I saw that guy's brother Damon at the farmhouse." "Well, thank you, Claudine. You just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighbourhood watch" Stefan seemed to have heard Claudine "My brother's still on our trail?" "He's getting closer. I'm going to have to deal with that." "No, no, no. Let me handle it." Klaus and I look at him slightly surprised. "Why should I let you leave?" "'Cause you know I'll come back." "Do I?" "You saved my brother's life. I'm in your service." "That almost sounds so tedious and indentured though." "Aren't you even having the least bit of fun I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore."

After torturing Ray for a bit longer, he finally gives in and reveals the location of his pack. But Klaus isn't done yet, he takes Ray's body from the wall and onto the pool table. "Ok, it's a three-step process, right? This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist." "I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?" "Have you been listening to a word I've been saying, Ray? I have great plans for you." He bites his wrist and forces Ray to drink his blood "You'll thank me for it later" Ray gives in and drinks Klaus's blood "There we go. Attaboy!" "What are you going to do now?" "It's time for step two, Ray." Just as I snap Ray's neck, Stefan walks back into the bar "You're back." "Did you doubt me?" "Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life." Stefan sits down, not facing us "I don't care about anything anymore." "You put on a good show, Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does." "You never stop caring about family, do you? I know I've never stopped caring about Katerina." "But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go." I glare at Klaus and mouth at him no. He just smirks at me and mouths what.

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