Part 24

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It's been about 5 months we left Mystic Falls, and Elijah's made those 5 months the best times in a very long time. Being the gentleman, he is, he's taken me to Paris, London and wherever I choose. As I spend more time with him I wonder if this could've been my life I stayed with him back in England and not have run away with Katerina, but alas, we'll never know. Although we've been having a blast, things back in Mystic Falls have been rocky. Elijah's suspicions were correct when we found out Klaus was still alive. I thank Bonnie for keeping him alive. We also found out that the Mystic Fall gang found a cure to vampirism. But we also found out that poor Kol was killed by Jeremy Gilbert. Although Elijah wasn't that close to Kol, he mourned for Kol for a very long time, as did I. We're currently in New York again, as we both enjoy the atmosphere, getting ready to go out to the operas. But a phone call from Katerina bothers me the whole way there.

Flashback Starts

"Katerina?" "Hi sis. How you doing?" "Well, I've been better. What do you need?" "I have the cure" I look at Elijah and walk outside our house "What did you say?" "I got the cure to vampirism and I'm willing to bet my life that original blondie wants it." "And you're telling me this because?" "I want you to exchange the cure for my freedom." "Right. I forgot you're still on the run" I think for a second "Look I'll try but I can't promise you anything" "Meet me in Willoughby, in a week at 2pm, under the gazebo. Don't be late" Then she hangs up the phone "rude..." I walk back to the house thinking how I was going to explain this to Elijah.

Flashback Ends

I shake the thought off and took Elijah's arm, walking into the opera. A week later and a lot of convincing, I ended up coming to Willoughby without Elijah. I didn't think there was a reason for both of us to go get something small. Elijah, being cautious insisted going with me, but after A LOT of persuading, he let me go myself. I get out of my car, parking it near the town square, to make my way to the gazebo. As I approach the gazebo I see a figure pacing around and I realise that it's Katerina. "Katerina" she turns around and looks slightly surprised "Karline" "Karline? You haven't called me that since 1864." Then I realise "Right, everyone in this town thinks you're Katherine. Right." I look at her hair "What did you do to your hair? Anyway, do you have it with you?" "Do I have what?" Where's her mind at? "The cure?" "It's in a safe place. Why don't I go and get it, and then I'll bring it back?" She pats my face and then I notice something on her finger. A daylight ring. Katerina doesn't have a daylight ring. I quickly grab her hand "Where is Katerina, Elena?" I can see the panic all around her face. I grip her arm tightly and

I receive a phone call from Kat and I quickly answer it "Kat?" "Hello, Karline" "Where is Katerina?" "Where is Elena?" "Safe. For now" "The same goes for Katherine" I scoff "Please, you should know both Kat and I can fight the two of you and do our nails at the same time" "Oh, you mean the three of us. Your best friend decided to join Team Good Guys for the time being" Oh god Bekah "Put her on the phone please" "Oh, she's not here right now. I left her with Damon and Katherine" Oh shit "Stefan, you tell me where they are" "Relax. No one's gonna get hurt as long as Katherine hands over the cure" I doubt that "You do understand how much Beks hate my sister? Bekah will end her the moment she gives up the cure" "So, tell me where you are, and we can talk this through" I'm getting frustrated by Stefan "You listen to me very carefully, Stefan. If anything happens to my sister, I will end Elena's life. And you know I am capable of doing so" I hang up the phone in anger. "Why are you so keen on helping Katherine?" "Excuse me?" "What has she ever done for you?" "Well she's my sister and family comes first. She contacted me about the cure and I'm helping my dear sister" "God, don't bring up all the family sap, it's going to make me vomit." Why the sudden bitchiness?"What did she promise you anyway?" "Do I need a reason for helping my sister? She's been better than the lot of you. I mean look at you, a newborn vampire, with no humanity. Why?" Elena cocked her head at me "You sister killed my brother" I looked at her slightly shocked, didn't think she'd go that far, she must be desperate "You didn't know?" "No. I'm sorry for your loss though, I know what it feels like to lose family. And for the sake of you're the Salvatore brother's, I do hope you turn your emotions on. Emotions are what keeps us from turning into true monsters" "Forget about my emotions, why do you still help Katherine? She's the complete opposite of you. I mean, you were crying when Rose died, you're loyal to the Mikaelsons like they're family. Katherine, she has no compassion or remorse, yet you still see the good in her and help" "Well, what kind of twin am I if I didn't hope my sister might change. She was much like you when she was younger Elena, she was sweet, compassionate and loving. That's why I trusted her till this day, she still showed that side to me" "That's why you'll always fall into her traps"

Suddenly Elena falls onto the floor, revealing Katerina behind her "Sorry, got held up." I kneel down to check on her, realising Kat snapped her neck "Oh, come on. She could use a nap. It must be exhausting trying to be me." "You killed Jeremy Gilbert?" She turns around slightly frustrated "Yes, Kal, I killed Jeremy Gilbert. A bombshell I'm sure she just couldn't wait to drop on you. Ironic, since she supposedly doesn't care about anything." "Yea, but I care. Do you honestly feel nothing for her? Doesn't she remind you of us when we were human? And you've taken away the last of her family, it's just like when ours were killed off." Kat looked at me astonished "Why are you looking at me like I enjoyed it? Jeremy was collateral damage. I was doing what I needed to do to survive." "Is that what I am to you? A means of survival?" "Kal no, don't let sweet little Elena get to you. She hates us, well me and I'm sure she's dying to turn you against me." I looked at her with an emotionless face "I asked you a question, Kat" She took a deep breath "No. Of course not. You looked out for me when I had no one. You're the only one who's helped me out all these years. You're my twin and I care about you so much. I love you Kal" I turned away from her, not knowing what to say, "You don't believe me" She sounded hurt "I want to but that might be the problem. You've only called for me when you need me for your own survival. I don't know you anymore. The Katerina I knew is gone" I start to walk off when she stopped me "Wait. You said you were going to get my freedom. No one else trusts me except you. Please" I turned around at looked at her before taking off "Goodbye, Katherine" I don't know what to believe anymore, but till she proved to me she's still Katerina and not Katherine, I can't help her anymore.

After I made a long call to Elijah explaining my situation with Katherine, I told him to meet me in Mystic Falls, to figure out the cure situation. I make my way to my car when Kat comes out to stop me "Wait" "What do you want?" "To tell you that you're right. I've spent so much time running and lying just to survive that I don't I'm starting to believe my own lies. I don't even remember who I was when we were kids. I just I want to go back, before England, when we were children. Things were so much better. " She rummages through her bag and pulled out a small box "You have the cure." "Yeah and I could shove this down Klaus's or even Elijah's throat but then I'd lose you, my sister." "How do I know this isn't another lie? Katherine Pierce deceiving her naïve little twin sister" "Because I meant what I said about caring for you. You will always be my little sister, I just hope you don't forget that." She puts the box into my hand, holding my hand in hers "I need you to trust me. I want you to trust me just like I'm trusting you. You don't owe me anything. I'm gonna let you decide where we go from here." With that, she walks off. I love you to Kat, I hope you know that in your heart. I can feel tears welling in my eyes, so I take a deep breath and walk to my car, and I'm surprised to see Rebekah and Elijah by my car "I thought I told you to wait for me in Mystic Falls" "Well I'm glad I didn't or else you would've had to deal with Rebekah yourself" Bekah walks towards me "Kal, you know I love you but I need you to give me the cure" I'm still confused with her motives "Bekah, why on earth would you want the cure?" "I want to be human again." Elijah and I look at her, stunned "How do you know that being human is the answer you're looking for? I mean, it's nothing but a romantic notion. The grass won't necessarily be greener, Rebekah" "Elijah's right Bekah. Being human isn't always the best lifestyle for a supernatural like us" "You might be right. But I don't care. I want to live a simple life as a normal person. And when it ends, it ends." She turns to Elijah "We've had 20 lifetimes together, Elijah. Isn't that enough? And Kal" she turns to me "I've spent your whole life being your best friend, me becoming humans not going to change that" Elijah's still dazed "I just don't understand. I mean, why must you always consider our family a burden? "Always and forever. " Those words are as important to me today as they ever were." I smile at Elijah's words connecting to his family's vow. "You will always be my brother, and I will never stop loving you, Kal or Nik. But now it's time for me to live and die the way that I choose. Please, Kal. Please just give me the cure." I'm about to say something when Bek's phone goes off. She answers it annoyed "What do you want, Nik?" "An update on our search for the elusive cure." "Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact, why don't you speak to one of those complications? No offence or anything though" she smiles at me while passing the phone to me. I roll my eyes and smile playfully "Complication speaking." "Kalina. I should've known Katerina called for you. I'm assuming Elijah's with you then" "Well, somebody had to take charge and yes Elijah's with me as well. But now that, I've gotten the cure, I'm bringing it back to Mystic Falls" "With a long list of demands, I assume" "Not that long and they're more of a request." "Come home, Kal, I look forward to seeing you soon" I hang up the phone and look at the two "Well come on, let's go. We can decide this situation later" We all get into my car and I drive off towards Mystic Falls.

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