Chapter XIX

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It's been week since Lisa asked me if she could court me. Lisa is such a consistent suitor; she's always giving me ride to school and taking me home after. I am not complaining at all. Students in our school have been talking about us since we are becoming closer and closer. Lisa is kind of protective.

There's an incident where some guys at school are trying to hit on me and she scared their assess away by saying that she will convince the principal to kick them out knowing her dad owns the school. And one time that we are on a date there's a guy cat-called me and she became furious. He asked the man to fight her. Thank God, Lisa is still listening to me even her anger is eating her up. I love how protective she is towards me.

"Uhm .. Jen, do you have something to do later after school?" Lisa asked me. We are now at the cafeteria with Jisoo unnie and Chae who are cuddling in front of us now.

"You two should get a room." I said playfully.

I forgot that Lisa asked me and she's still waiting for my answer. I would love to go with her tonight but I have to perform in the bar. Since Lisa started courting me she doesn't go to the bar to watch my performance but she's still visiting me after the performance making sure if I am okay. I don't know what to feel about it, but Lisa is such an honest person. She even told me that she's been going to the bar to see Selena just to make sure if the girl is okay which is 'me'. Her kindness is such a plus factor. Lisa is such a kind person I don't know why I failed to see it from the start.

"Lisa .. I can't," I mumbled

"It's fine. I'll just take you home." She said but the disappointment is on her face. I feel bad for that.

I haven't told her the real reason why I can't come with her tonight.

"But I'll be free tomorrow," I said trying to make up with her.

"Tomorrow sounds good!" she said excitedly. Her flashy smile is plastered on her face. You are such a kid.

"Lisa." Someone called her from behind.

"Nayeon." She looks at her and Nayeon looks at me.

"Can I have a word with my girl?" Nayeon retorted with her one brow furrowed.

"Lisa is courting Jennie, Nayeon, just dance the night away girl." Rosé hissed at her.

"I am not talking to you Rosé, mind your own business." Nayeon fights back.

"You don't talk to my girl like that!" Jisoo stands up.

"What? Are you going to do little girl? Attack me?" she hissed.

"Do you really want me to shove your face in this table? I heard you crashed your car because you were driving drunk or you are just too desperate to win Lisa back? Did not know you are some kind of action star." Jisoo said while clapping her hands. Everyone in the cafeteria was amused

Even Lisa claps her hands to my best friend while my mouth was left agape.

Jihyo and Sana, Nayeon's friends came to our table "Nayeon, let's go." Jihyo said while trying to convince Nayeon to come back to their table.

"I just want to talk to you, Lisa." She said not giving up. What does she want? I rolled my eyes.

"If Lisa doesn't want to talk to you, I think you should just go back to your table, Nayeon." It was my time to talk.

"Why does everyone in this table keep on talking for Lisa? Is she mute?" she said angrily and grab Lisa's wrist but Lisa shoved her hand.

"And do you think I still want to talk to you after what you did? Are you think I am that dumb?" Lisa said she's mad right now.

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