Chapter XXVII

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I woke up in the white ceiling with white sheets and big windows with curtains. I am still at the hospital. What happened that day was life versus death. I am still thinking that it was just all an accident but my friends are looks suspicious when I told them that it was just an accident. The cops been investigating what just happened but they got nothing even a little clue who was the one who shot me or did that person aiming the gun really to me? Was it really an accident that someone pulled the trigger and pointed the gun to me? We made sure that this incident won't come out in media of course because our parents might get worried.

I also wonder how's Selena and why she did not come to see me since she gave back my clothes. I kind of miss her... But that doesn't mean I still think about her. Who am I trying to convince, anyway?

"Good morning Ms. Manoban." One of the cops said.

"Good morning, officer." I greeted him back.

"Do you have any leads to this case?" I asked

"We're very sorry but we still haven't seen any clue that may relate to this. Can we also talk to your friends?" he asked.

"Why? That was an accident right?" I said.

He sighed deeply. "I am afraid that it wasn't. Someone really aims the gun to your direction. We've been investigating the location where the incident happened and it is clear that it was all intentional. We need to interview your friends about what they have seen or doing on the night of the incident." He explained

"Are you telling me that my friends are also involved in this?!" I hissed. "Are you suspecting them?" I added

"Ma'am, it is not like what you are thinking. They were all in the incident and they might help us to solve this. It is part of the procedure. And if they are your friends they will let us interview them for some time." He said.

"We are going to do the interview." I heard Rosé from the back. She's with Jisoo and my Jennie.

I smiled at them. "If it will help the case then we are in." Jennie added.

"Let's do it now." Jisoo said.


The cops are interviewing Rosé first.

"Are you going to tell them about the person who's threatening you?" Jisoo asked me discreetly.

"No. And you will also not talk about that. All you need to tell them is what happened that day, unnie." I said.

"What about Rosé? What if she said something .. you know.." Jisoo was right. Rosé might say something about the text threatening that I am receiving. Shit.

"Are you guys sure that you want to do this?" Lisa asked us. "I mean, you really don't have to do this." She added.

"Baby it is fine," I said to her holding her hand. "You have nothing to worry. We want to help." I added and then I kissed Lisa's head.

"Everything will be fine." I finally said


"Can you tell us where were you that night and what were you doing when the incident happened?" The cops are now interrogating me.

"I was with Jisoo unnie and we are just a few steps away from Jennie and Lisa who are talking," I said honestly

"What do you think they are talking about?" he asked

"They are actually having a heart to heart talk because they had a little lovers quarrel that morning and Lisa together with Jisoo and I came to the beach that night to look for Jennie because Lisa told us that she's missing," I said

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