Chapter XIII

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We are at the cafeteria with Lisa and Rosé, as usual everyone is looking at us. Maybe it is because of Lisa.

"I went to the bar last night," Lisa said while sipping her juice. Jisoo looks at me discreetly. "Y-you went to the bar last night?" Jisoo asked nervously. "I got this!" Lisa showed us the ticket, a VIP ticket for my performance tonight. Wow, they already produced a ticket.

"What's that?" I asked innocently.

"It's for Selena's performance tonight. Sorry if I only get one, the manager told me that it is the only one that she reserved for me. I don't even know why she did but I'm kind of glad that she did. Finally, I can see her again. Isn't that great?" She exclaimed while flashing a big smile on her face.

She really wants to see me again. My heart flutters because of her.

I smiled unwillingly. Her wide smile makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"You are really into her aren't you? I never heard you going out with different girls since you met that girl." Rosé said, revealing her friend.

"Yah! What are you saying? I'm just not in the mood to see someone that doesn't mean I like her.." Lisa said while blushing and her last words came out like a whisper. I wonder why.

Rosé laughs at her best friend and start teasing her. "Stop it already chae." Lisa said while pouting, she's cute when she does that.

"You are whipped for that girl huh?" To my surprise, Jisoo joined rosé to tease Lisa and they are both smirking at Lisa.

"You two keep on teasing me when the both of you like each other!" Lisa blurted out that made my eyes widen and Jisoo choke to her chicken again while rosé was red as a tomato.

"Wh-what are you talking about Lisa!" Chae said stuttering.

"You guys should confess to each other first before teasing me!" She said. Now the tables are turned Jisoo and Rosé are both blushing.

"Aish children stop teasing each other, let's just eat arasso?" I said cutting the awkwardness between Jisoo and Rosé.


It is almost time for me to perform; I am just finishing my makeup.

I heard a knock "Ms. Selena, it is time." Someone from the staff called me and I walked outside my dressing room. Wearing my favorite mask, tonight my hair is tied and I am wearing a fit outfit that compliments my body. Just think of something hot and that is me.

As usual, the lights turned off and when the music starts it will be turned on. The music already started and I am facing the wall while swaying my body seductively to the music.

As I faced the crowd, I search for the pair of eyes that I want to see. Lisa was in front and she's smiling. She looks so happy seeing me. When I looked at her, her eyes are also smiling that made me smile too. I then walk to the pole and dance to it. Everyone in the bar was looking at me watching me attentively but Lisa, she's still smiling at me. What happened to the lustful eyes I saw a month ago. Maybe she's really here just to see me. This girl is really something.

I walked across the stage and show them how my body, works. I twerked and everyone is screaming. When I faced the crowd again I could see that Lisa is gulping. I looked into her eyes. Her eyes prevented my gaze. She's now biting her lips. I don't know but her action makes me hot. She's making me wet just by that. I sat on the chair and started to grind on it like it is someone, again the crowd starting to throw money on stage. I smirked at it. Then I spread my legs facing them, I touch it seductively. I saw how Lisa and others gawking but Lisa's eyes are trying to look at the other direction everytime I am trying to look at her.

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