Chapter 4 Bleak Falls Barrow

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"You're welcome to stay here Illia," Rona said as she finished saddling the old brown horse. Bishop came out of the cottage with a bundle of supplies in his arms which he stuffed into the saddlebags on either side of the steed.

"I'd appreciate it if you could continue taking care of the place for me...treat it like your own home."

"That's very kind of you Rona. I'll admit I was a bit worried about what I'd do after you arrived, but you're being quite generous," Illia confided to her.

Rona looked out over the flourishing farmland once more. It was more beautiful than it ever had been in her memories. She looked up at Illia and smiled, "I'm more than happy to do this for you after you took care of my mother for all these years. I'll probably stop in periodically, at least until I go back to Cyrodiil. I'll be sending gold home as well which should pay for the upkeep around here and you're welcome to some of it for yourself. Think of it as a living stipend for maintaining the place."

"Oh no, please don't worry about paying me dear, getting to live here is enough for me," she looked around at the cottage and thought for a moment, "You know, I'm sure the house could use a bit of an upgrade. Would it be alright if I used the money to build onto it?"

"Sure," Rona shrugged, "Do whatever you like with it. I think it needs a new roof honestly."

Illia stepped forward and gave Rona a big hug, "Take care of yourself out there."

Though Rona had spent such a short time getting to know the woman, Illia had shown her a kindness and patience her own mother never had. She appreciated it more than ever right now. She smiled and hugged her back, "I will."

Bishop was staring at them with heavily lidded eyes, clearly unimpressed by their touching moment, "Ready to go Ladyship?"

"Almost! I have one more thing to grab!" She ran into the cottage and looked around the room. Her mother's urn was sitting on the table. Rona went back to collect it from the bush it had fallen in although most of the ashes had spilled and blown away with the wind the night before.

She'd decided to honor her mother's last wish and take what was left with her. She placed the tiny urn into her pouch and gave the room one more once-over. A bright red lute on the side of the bed caught her eye. She fingered the strings remembering all the songs her mother had taught her. It was the only thing they'd ever enjoyed about each other's company. She took it with her as she left.

Bishop looked over at her, scowling, " that?"

"A lute!" Rona said cheerily.

"No, I can see that it's a lute. Why do you have it?"

"So I can sing on the road! It's better with music."

"Nooo, no, no,," he objected, "Look, the little bits of singing before, cute as it was, that's not gonna to be a regular thing."

"Oh yes it is," she argued back as she buckled it onto the top of their packs on the butt of the horse. Rona put a foot in one of the stirrups and pulled herself up onto its back before he could argue it any further.

Bishop grumbled then pulled on the reins steering the horse onto the dirt path which would lead them towards the road. Rona gave one last wave and goodbye to Illia before Bishop suddenly said with provocative undertones outlining each word, "Hold tight Ladyship."

Rona pursed her lips at him, "Must you always be so vulgar?"

He laughed and snapped the reins forcing the horse into a gallop which nearly threw her before she grabbed onto his waist to hang on.

Rona's Story: An Epic Skyrim RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now