Chapter 69 Dreams of the Past

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They walked back up to the group on the hill and Bishop immediately went over to Freya and held his hand out, "Ready to give it up?"

Freya scowled at him, pursing her lips but relented and handed over the documents. He gave them to Serlas then and said, "There it is. Everything the Thalmor have on her."

Serlas raised his brows and said, "Thank you Bishop." He gave a quick nod to Freya and left them, heading back to camp and saying, "I will be perusing these immediately to see what we may learn."

Rona asked Bishop, "Just how much personal information is in those documents?"

Bishop seemed to realize that he just handed over the particulars of their relationship, including some very intimate details to Serlas and ran ahead shouting, "Uh, hang on Serlas! Maybe you could just read these other pages..."

Rona smirked at his back then glanced over at the sisters who were a short distance from her. Both Venus and Qetesh looked like they wanted to kill Freya. Bast however was just looking on at the dragon bones in the distance, while a few townsfolk hurried over to get a better look.

"You stole from them?" Qetesh was furious. Freya just crossed her arms, turning her face away.

"We finally have something good going," Venus said, "Are you trying to ruin this for us?"

Freya looked over at her and muttered, "We were doing fine without them."

Qetesh scoffed at her, "No! We were not! I won't let you do this to us anymore Freya. For once in our lives we could live a normal life in a place that's safe. We could live with a real roof over our heads instead of hiding out in every dirty cave or ruin we find, wondering if that'll be the day that the law or all the damn bandits we owe finally catch up to us!"

"You really think the cities are safe!?" Freya argued, "With the war going on they're just as dangerous as anywhere else!"

"Just stop!" Venus cried.

"You can't keep doing this!" Qetesh barked, "It needs to stop. You need to stop."

"After everything I've ever done for you all! I made sure we had food, shelter, clothes on our backs, even money!"

"At what cost!?" Qetesh barked, "Your way of doing things has always been to steal and run. Always! And all its ever done is put us all in danger. Every. Single. Time. Enough Freya. I've made too many excuses... I've let you drag us down for too long."

"Oh? I've dragged us down? Really!?"

"Yes, really!" Qetesh grit her teeth and curled her fists, getting right in her sister's face, "I'm sick of it Freya. Your attitude, your behavior, all of it! You need to start taking responsibility for your actions!"

"I'm only like this because Bishop-"

Qetesh threw a hand in her face, "NO! You can't blame him anymore Freya! It's been six years, damn it! SIX! You are this way, because you choose to be! Stop being so selfish and for once just think of your little sister. Bast deserves to have something other than this! All the banditry, the thieving, the lying, the running! If you're just going to sabotage it - try to ruin it for us - if you don't want this - then just leave!"

Qetesh gave her one last hateful glare and turned away, Venus followed close behind and called back, "Come on Bast. Let's get some sleep."

Bast turned away from the sight of the dragon bones and gave Freya a sympathetic look before walking along and joining her siblings. Rona turned away too. She had a strong feeling that she was the last person Freya wanted to talk to and she wasn't exactly in the mood to have a discussion with the woman anyhow. If her own sisters couldn't get through to her she doubted she'd have much luck either.

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