Chapter 77 Taken

346 12 15

Trigger Warning: Graphic Violence, Vulgar Language, Kidnapping, Molestation/Unwanted Touching, Humiliation, Attempted Rape, Attempted Murder


(Background Music is Raise the Darkness by Valentin Wiest)

He was hiking up the hills with her, walking right by the farmhouse. Why did the plant stalks have to be so damn tall?! She shook her head and writhed against his shoulder and he just laughed, "Feisty one aren't you? I knew you would be. I love the ones that fight back, so much more fun when I break them."

They'd stuffed a dirty rag into her mouth before pulling the other filthy piece of cloth around her head to hold it there. It hurt her jaw, splitting it open like that. She couldn't even move her tongue around.

Her heart was racing so fast as they passed right by the house.

BISHOP! BISHOP! HELP! HELP ME! She was screaming inside her head. She wanted to say the words but couldn't. She wanted to breathe fire, shout YOL! Do anything!

She could summon them though. She thought of Eira and Jillian, she let those two wonderful, powerful Dragonborn women burn into her mind. SAVE ME!

Thorn stopped his procession up the hill and muttered, "The hell?" Then she bounced around on his shoulder as he moved lunging out of the way and she saw Eira slashing past him fiercely.

He moved again and she saw Jillian making an attack with her greatsword.

"FUCKING BITCHES!" Thorn roared as he bound back and forth, making Rona bounce hard and uncomfortably against his massive shoulder. He called back to the others, "KILL THEM!"

They were still close to the farm, maybe Bishop heard all his yelling. She prayed that he heard. And then she thought of Karnwyr, bleeding out at the edge of the lake. They had to get to him! Oh gods, why? Why hadn't she just stayed put? Why hadn't she listened?

Thorn bound back again and this time she heard the sound of swords clashing and scraping. She couldn't see but she figured he must have been fighting Jillian because Eira was down the hill fighting Bane. She recognized him from Bishop's dream, a filthy nord man in leather armor. She was too fast for him and she cut him good, getting him in the wrist, nearly taking his hand. He grunted in pain and snarled, slashing back, "What the fuck is this Thorn!?"

Then she heard Slash call out, "They're her little ghost friends! I've seen them show up when she's roaring fire and ice out here!"

Thorn grunted loudly and all of a sudden she went tumbling off his shoulder and hit the ground hard on her side. She rolled a bit down the hill and saw Thorn struggling against Jillian, their blades scratching and sparking against one another. Rona wondered why they didn't just shout at them all, then realized, it was because she was bound and gagged. So of course they wouldn't be able to shout.

Thorn threw Jillian off of him and got her right in the gut with his sword. Rona saw her wince in pain and fall to her knee. Eira had said that being brought back here was like dying all over again. But Jillian looked up at him, glaring fiercely at that horrible, sick man. She would continue to fight to save Rona, whether it felt like dying again or not.

He just laughed and said, "So we can hurt them it seems." He yanked his blade out of her body and kicked her hard in the face, sending her reeling backward.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rona saw Eira struggling against the five other men, but she was really holding her own. Eira was very quick footed, dancing about, swiping rapidly at them all as they circled her. One of the men, a mage, she guessed was Lars, started casting sparks at her. Rona was surprised to see Eira knew how to use a ward.

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