Chapter 42 Stay in Whiterun

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Rona stirred at the quiet sound of people having a lengthy discussion nearby. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was quite dry. She moved her hand over the sheets and felt a tuft of fur. Karnwyr gave a low whine and looked over at her from his comfortable position on the bed next to her. She sat upright, feeling a light headache hovering just above her eyes and looked around the room. She was laying in Delphine's bed and her dress was missing. All she had on was her underwear and her chest and bra were stained and sticky with dried wine.

She looked to her left where Delphine's cabinet stood open, showing the hidden stairs that led to her secret room. She heard her father speaking softly, "...and the reception isn't for another three months, so we have no choice but to wait. In the meantime, Bishop, I think it would be best if you and Rona stay out in Whiterun."

"Why Whiterun?" Bishop asked.

"First off I'd rather keep her away from Falkreath, at least until I can find that brigand's hideout. Considering he's already testing our defenses I'm very concerned for her safety. Velvynen will also need to stay busy, perhaps she could join with the Companions for the time being... give her some semblance of normalcy for a change."

"Yeah," Bishop agreed, "She'd probably like that."

"As for me," Serlas continued, "I will pay a visit to the Mage's College and speak with my colleague Savos Aren and peruse their library to see if I can find anything about the Elder Scroll in question."

Delphine said, "I'll get a hold of my contact in the Embassy and discuss our plans with him and see what else I can find out about Alduin's Wall and its whereabouts."

"Good," Serlas said, "We will meet back here in three months on Sundas the twelfth of Rain's Hand, a week before the reception. We'll prepare ourselves and leave for Solitude then."

Rona pulled the sheet up, covering herself as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Serlas was first to come in and said, "Ah, velvyn! You're awake - oh, pardon me," he averted his eyes,"I'll let Delphine show you the washroom dear. We'll talk in a bit."

She nodded and he left the room, Bishop and Delphine came in next and Bishop smiled softly at her. Delphine went over and rifled through her dresser drawers, pulling out an old towel and Rona's cleaned and pressed dress. She went over and handed them to her. "There's a washroom downstairs in the cellar storehouse. You'll have to go around behind the bar to get to it. I'll check and see if we have any customers before I wave you in. Once you get cleaned up we'll get you something to drink and eat and then we'll talk."

Rona just blinked at her, expressionless and Delphine gave her a concerned smile before stepping back into the main inn.

Bishop looked down at her, putting a hand to her shoulder and said, "You feeling alright? You're being awfully quiet Lightfoot... and when you get like that, well, it's usually cause for concern."

"Just thirsty," she said thickly. She remembered most of what had happened the night before and felt a burning shame over her behavior. She'd never gotten so drunk in her life... though being in Sanguine's presence it was bound to happen.

He'd been so kind to her, which was surprising for a Daedric lord, she thought. Feeling complacent on his ambrosia she just went with it. He'd even promised her that she could forsake being Dragonborn and live a peaceful and merry existence in his realm. She knew it was a lie... but she wanted so much to believe it.

Bishop said, "I'll be right back." He left the room and she looked after him. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach about Bishop's safety. She knew he'd never let her go on alone, that he would always stand by her side, facing dragon after dragon until the very end. Alduin was the greatest threat to him. Not all dragons were very bright, but Alduin, being the oldest of them all, he was without a doubt the most cunning and vicious of them. He would be the kind of creature that would see love as a weak trait only mortals had and find a way to use it against them. If Alduin learned of her feelings for Bishop, he would kill him right in front of her and it would absolutely destroy her.

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