Chapter 14 The Jarl of Windhelm

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Rona bought a slab of raw meat from the innkeeper before leaving and gave it to Karnwyr who stood up and wagged his tail, happy to see her. She knelt down next to the wolf and scratched behind his ears as he tore apart his meal and praised him, "You're a good boy Karnwyr, I don't care what Bishop says. You're definitely more dog than wolf."

Once he finished eating she pulled her hood up and clicked her tongue, getting him to follow her. She turned to her right and headed down a corridor leading into a market square and stood out of the way while she watched the city goers bustling about their day, exchanging goods and making conversation. She noticed the Nords scowling, scoffing and tutting every time a Dunmer passed by, meanwhile, the Dunmer tried to pretend the Nords didn't exist at all. It was a strange sight to behold. She could never imagine such prejudice taking place in her very mixed hometown back in Cyrodiil.

Rona decided to take a chance and interact with the people at the stands. The first person she met with was an Altmer woman running a general goods shop. The woman looked at her taken aback and said, "Never thought I'd see another Altmer around these parts - ah! You must be that Dragonborn girl everyone's been talking about, well welcome dearie. Please have a look at my wares, I have only the best and the lowest prices too."

"Do you mind if I ask how long you've been in Windhelm?"

The high elf flit her long lashes at Rona and said dryly, "Just got here from the Summerset Isles. Lots of opportunity in Skyrim."

"Are you treated as poorly as the Dunmer?" Rona asked her as she perused some of the items on the counter.

"It was difficult at first. The Nords of this city are, at best, suspicious of outsiders. But in time, I made the right friends and proved myself useful enough that they don't give me trouble anymore. The dark elves are too proud and naive to understand the way things truly are and so they continue to dwell in that slum."

Rona was surprised by her answer. This woman had thick skin and seemed to take things in stride. And despite the way, the Nords treated the elves she'd worked for and earned their respect. Rona almost felt proud to call her kin until the woman dropped right into the snooty Aldmeri stereotype and simpered, "Well if you're not going to buy anything dear would you mind clearing the way for actual patrons? I don't have all day and a girl's got to make gold you know."

Rona politely thanked her for her time and moved on, rolling her eyes to herself. Kin indeed, she thought. As she wandered around the small marketplace, meeting all kinds of people she learned quickly that being Dragonborn meant people were very comfortable divulging all their personal problems to her. Rona pulled an old journal from her pocket and started taking down names and notes for each person with a problem, hoping she could resolve it for them.

She really got into the swing of things as she wandered through the city. Every time she stopped to chat with total strangers and took a moment to listen to them, they seemed very appreciative. Though the Nords were wary of her initially, thinking she was just another elf when they realized she was the Dragonborn they opened up right away. They even stopped to pet Karnwyr who was loving the attention.

As she made her rounds she came down the steps to the slums of the city. They called it the Gray-Quarter because of all the Dunmer living there. Rona walked by a sign with the words, New Gnisis Cornerclub, etched into it. She decided to pop in and get a glass of wine, telling Karnwyr to stay outside. As she entered the shabby, low lit tavern the bartender called out with a tone of hostility, "You lost friend?"

Rona lowered her hood and glanced at him. There were four other patrons inside, three sitting at the bar and a fourth leaning over a table, asleep or passed out drunk with a tipped over mug in his hand. They were all dark-elves.

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