Chapter 10 The Greybeards

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The two of them entered the monastery. It was just as tall and grey inside as it was outside. While impressive in size, it was rather dull inside. There were very few decorative items and not a lot of real home comforts. It was clearly a place of worship for those who cared not for worldly luxuries.

As they stepped into the foyer, four old men in grey cloaks approached them. It was difficult to discern any sort of difference between them, as they each had long, grey beards, wrinkles and serious looks on their faces.

The one with a knot in his beard stepped forward and spoke directly to Rona, "So...a Dragonborn appears at this moment in the turning of the age. Tell me, what is your name?"

Rona wasn't sure how formal she should be, but put on her most modest voice, "My name is Rona Lightfoot and this is my companion, Bishop – oh!" Karnwyr nuzzled her hand, "and this is our wolf Karnwyr, I promise he won't be any trouble."

The Greybeard looked over the wolf and then to Bishop who was casually leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, looking disdainfully at the old men, "I trust he will be no trouble as well?"

Rona glanced back at Bishop and gave him a, behave yourself, sort of look to which he narrowed his eyes at.

"He'll be no trouble at all, I promise you."

"Good, good," the man said, then put his hands together and bowed, "I am Master Arngeir. I speak for the Greybeards," he held a hand out to the others, "And these are Masters Borri, Einarth, and Wulfgar. Now, tell me, Dragonborn, why have you come here?"

Rona thought for a moment. Why had she come here? It was initially because it seemed the thing to do because Balgruuf and the others told her she should. But now that she really thought about it, she wasn't sure. She'd found out she was Dragonborn and just accepted it, as though it were a fate or destiny she couldn't change. She needed to know more though. She needed to know what it was all for.

"I want to find out what it means to be Dragonborn," she finally said.

Arngeir nodded, "We are here to guide you in that pursuit, just as the Greybeards have sought to guide those of the Dragon Blood that came before you."

"I saw them," she said.

"Yes, we heard the songs of old as you entered this sacred place. Tell me Lady Rona, what did you see as you climbed to the summit?"

"Hundreds of predecessors...I think."

"Yes, but have you seen, in particular, one whom you connect the most with?"

"Jillian," she answered promptly.

Arngeir nodded, "Do you understand why your connection with her is stronger than the others?"

Rona shook her head.

"Being blessed as Dragonborn is a great honor, one that is bestowed upon mortals by Akatosh. While most Dragonborn are male, the first female Dragonborn was quite extraordinary. It is said that her soul was woven by Akatosh himself and that he created the most beautiful thu'um for her. It was a voice which could never express itself through the body of a dragon, so he blessed a mortal girl with this soul instead. History gives her many names, though she is most well known as Eira the White. You see, Eira's voice was more elegant than any bard's and she composed her songs with her thu'um and made them as powerful as the shouts themselves. It is only from her lineage that female Dragonborn are born and because of this they remain deeply connected to one another, passing on their knowledge of songs through one woman to the next. Jillian was the last woman of Dragon Blood before you, so naturally, you would feel her connection more closely."

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