Chapter 64 Party Crasher

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Rona sang her song as beautifully as she could, hitting every note perfectly, singing Auri-El's praises in the mother tongue so well she was almost sure the god himself had come down and blessed her right then and there. Who was she kidding? He had already blessed her long ago, he'd given her the soul of a dragon, because Auri-El was Akatosh and he was also Bormahu. He was the soul of Anu, the Everything.

She'd never really believed in him before. Her father had prayed to the deity occasionally, but she'd always believed that was just a throwback from a time when it was just common to believe. Now though, with her power, with everything she could do as the Dragonborn she couldn't help but believe he was real.

She sang his praises asking for his blessings and to bless those around her. She hoped in her heart that he really had heard and would help her with the burdens he'd placed on her shoulders because it was all getting very difficult. She felt like she was struggling, drowning in it all, and dragging those who tried to lift her from the depths right back down with her. Bishop and her father both suffered greatly because of her. She'd have given anything to remove the burdens she'd inadvertently placed on them.

When she finished her song, the small crowd clapped loudly and one of the thanes she recognized as Erikur cried, "Encore! Encore!"

The drunk redguard man slurred, "Girl's got quite the set of pipes on her."

Jarl Idgrod went up to her and said, "Your voice is even more beautiful than your mother's. You are very blessed."

Her father gave her a warm smile and she returned it. Then Elenwen went and ruined it all with her snark, "Hm, yes, that was riveting Miss Thoraminh. I can tell all that, what do the nords call it? Shouting? Has really strained your voice."

Rona put on her fake smile and said sweetly, "Just a bit."

Elenwen clasped her hands together and said in Aldmeri, "(Well then, Miss Thoraminh, Serlas, if you two would follow me there are some things I wish to discuss with you, concerning the dragons.)"

Both Serlas and Rona raised their brows curiously. Rona almost couldn't believe it, Elenwen might actually part with their deeply held secrets? Not without a price of course, she suspected.

They fell into step behind the Ambassador as she led them out into the bitter courtyard. They followed her across the grounds to her Solar and Rona shivered fiercely as it steadily snowed and chill winds blew around her. As the sentry made way for their procession Rona felt something warm at her side and glanced down, then realizing she was seeing the thin outline of a certain invisible ranger she quickly turned her gaze back to the woman in front of her.

They went inside and heard some people talking off in a side office. Elenwen quickly went in and told them to take their discussion elsewhere. A grungy looking nord man came out and left, looking very disgruntled. The other Thalmor Justiciar took his leave as well, heading towards some stairs leading down into what appeared to be a cellar.

Elenwen invited her and Serlas into her office and closed the door over. She went around her desk and motioned for them to sit in the empty chairs, before sitting in her own high backed chair. She laced her long fingers together and said, "(So, tell me, Miss Thoraminh. I've heard you've been quite busy of late battling against the dragon menace. What is your progress on ending the scourge that plagues this fetid wasteland?)"

Rona rolled her eyes, of course. First the bitch would see just how much information she could get from her before even considering giving up some of her own. Rona decided to take a leaf out of Delphine's book and spoke vaguely, "(I still have quite a bit of training to do. I'm not sure how much more there is to go. There's still so little I know about them.)"

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