Chapter 82 Living Like Royals

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Trigger Warning: Graphic depictions of gore


Rona was pacing around the camp very early. She was as paranoid and panicked as Bishop had been after the Thalmor tried to blackmail him. Maybe even more so. He was still out cold from the night before and she was dying to talk to him already. Karnwyr was looking quite agitated too, he'd stayed up with her almost the entire night, getting up every time she did. The poor wolf looked like he just wanted to sleep.

Suddenly, Bishop rolled over and with a yawn mumbled, "Where are we?"

She shouted, "FINALLY!"

He groaned, covering his ears and said, "Please don't yell Ladyship. My head is killing me..."

She stood in front of him, fists to hips and barked, "Why did you get drunk all alone last night!? What the hell Bishop! WHY!?"

He squinted up at her and said, "Well I... uh..."

"Oh good!" She snapped at him scornfully, "I'm glad we cleared that up!"

He scowled at her, "What's your problem? Why are you mad at me? And why the hell are we out here in the middle of nowhere?"

She started rambling almost nonsensically, due to a lack of sleep and nerves, "Well as it turns out Mrs. Gilseene just so happens to be a member of the Dark Brotherhood! Oh and she's dead by the way! She killed herself right in front of me, slashed her wrist up real good," she swiped a hand briskly over her wrist, "and then a crazy fucking jester came chasing after me and I was almost swallowed up by the woman's magic blood that turned into a black hand and I narrowly escaped with my life, thank you very much! Luckily I got away only to find YOU completely shit-faced at a tavern, all alone no less, for apparently no real reason at all!" She finished her rant with a nervous laugh and sat right down on a tree stump, crossing her arms over. She glared at him still fuming and he just stared at her, brow raised, baffled.

He scrunched his eyes and rubbed at his temples and said, "What? Wait... what?"

She took a deep breath then and her face crumbled and she said with real fear in her voice then, "Bishop the Dark Brotherhood is after me."

He looked skeptically at her and said, "Sooo... let me get this straight. Your elderly landlord is a member of the Dark Brotherhood and there's a hit out on you? Ladyship, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think you've been hitting the bottle too hard. You need to lay off the wine and all the guild work. You're seriously overworking yourself."

She stood up, fists curled and screamed at him agitated, "OH I NEED TO LAY OFF THE BOTTLE!? I'M BEING SERIOUS BISHOP! They're after me!"

He winced at her shrieking, but said tentatively, "You sure this wasn't just another nightmare?"


"Okay, okay," he raised his hands, "Just, calm down already. Sit down and start from the beginning. Slowly this time."

She tried to calm herself down and started from the beginning, telling him every crazy thing she heard and saw the night before.

Bishop listened closely, frowning a little more and more with each new piece of information given. When she finished he asked, "What's a Listener?"

She snapped, "I don't know! I don't want to know!"

"So... they're not trying to kill you. They're trying to recruit you?"

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