Chapter 49 The Whispering Door

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The sound of Bishop's disgruntled voice carried up to her, waking her from her dreamless sleep.

"Wow - okay, sure, just let yourself in why don't you," she heard him sputter with annoyance.

"This is where the Dragonborn lives?" the voice of Nelkir caught her ears then.

Bishop scoffed, "Sorry it's not up to your standards, highness."

"Where is she? I demand to speak to her right now," Nelkir put on his most commanding adult voice, trying to sound like his father it seemed.

"Take a seat, prince. It's going to be a while, she still needs to get dressed," Bishop commanded right back at him.

"She's not even up yet? But it's already midday."

"Yeah well," Bishop chuckled lightly, "she was up all night slaying a werewolf. Kind of wore her out."

Rona smirked at his remark, glad to see he still had his sense of humor about the whole thing.

"A werewolf? Just one?" Nelkir sounded incredulous, as though she should have easily been able to take on far more than that. And he wasn't wrong.

"Yes a werewolf. He was a particularly challenging and," he laughed again, "very hard werewolf to beat. You know what, just sit down for a bit. I gotta go get some fresh water from the river so she can... wash the blood off and be presentable for his esteemed princliness." Bishop said the last bit with dripping sarcasm.

She heard Bishop grabbing the larger wash basin and leaving out the door for a minute. She listened closely, though Nelkir didn't make a peep. She wondered why he'd come to see her all alone. Surely he should have had some sort of escort with him?

She started thinking about her evening with Bishop, blushing fiercely at the fact he'd seen her touching herself, but also bit her lip slightly. She'd liked it. It was unexpected but when he came to her last night, with so much love in his eyes, and touched her and held her... she was so happy. They still had a lot to talk about, she still had to apologize to him for omitting the fact that the Circle were werewolves, even though Kodlak had asked her to. It was no excuse. She should have trusted him. The worst that would have happened, she realized, is that they wouldn't have joined the Companions at all... but then they would have gone to the Rift without her... they might have all died instead of just two. Perhaps this was fate, weaving it's way around, guiding her on her path.

That couldn't be right either though. Olava said herself that her choices were what directed her destiny, that there were many paths she could take leading to different outcomes. One of those choices had been hard on her mind lately. Until he came back and she pushed that thought away again. She wouldn't let him go this time, she wouldn't lie to him or hide anything ever again. She loved him and he loved her. They'd get through it all... and they'd find a cure. Her eyes widened when she realized Kodlak had said there was a cure. They had to go see him.

She heard the door open and close again, then the sound of Bishop coming up the stairs. He came into their room and set the basin full of fresh water down and looked over at her. "Your kid brother's here," he said thumbing over his shoulder.

She held a finger to her mouth and shushed him.

Bishop rolled his eyes at her, "He told me that he wanted to speak to his sister. So he already knows."

She knit her brows together. Who had told him? Probably not Balgruuf. He seemed like he'd wanted to keep it a secret, especially considering the fact he was trying to pawn him off as his deceased wife's youngest child.

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