Chapter 32 The Grand Crystal Ball

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"Ronin," she whispered as the dragon approached, growling at her, "I will see you in Sovngarde."

(The song is Forsaken by Within Temptation)

"Now the day has come.
We are forsaken this time."

The black dragon, her greatest foe, the destroyer of her world loomed over her, growling victoriously. He opened his blood-dripping jaws and prepared to shout when another voice cried behind her, "FUS RO DAH!" throwing the black winged beast across the plains.

Felldir ran to her side, though she would not move.

"You would forsake us now Jillian!? You would allow The World Eater to win!? To destroy us all!?"

"Ronin is dead," she whispered.

"THEN AVENGE HIM! Come Dragonborn! I have the scroll! We must lead our foe to the Throat of the World!"

She looked up at the old man. It was true, he carried the Elder Scroll in hand. She felt a twinge of hope burning inside her. Ronin would never have given up so easily. He didn't, even in the face of death itself. She would avenge him.

She rose to her feet and roared, "YOL TOOR SHUL!" firing flames in the face of the dragon as he rounded on them once more. He burst through the flames snapping his jaws at her, but she was ready, greatsword in hand and swiped at him, cutting a painful swath across his tongue. He reeled back, growling furiously as he shook his head.

Felldir cried, "FUS RO DAH!" once more against the dragon giving them an opportunity to run. They hurried across the plains and as Jillian recovered her voice she cried to the skies, "STRUN BA QO!"

Billowing storm clouds appeared out of nothingness and lightning struck the ground around them. The bolts lashed at the trees and the dragons flying high over the mountain. The World Eater was on them again but a bolt cut into him, booming loudly in their wake. They made their way to the Seven Thousand Steps and began their ascent to the Throat of the World where they might finally banish the beast of their nightmares forever.

Jillian whispered to the fallen as they stepped over their bodies, she whispered with wrath for the man she'd loved, "I will avenge you. I will kill them all. I will kill Alduin."


Bishop's eyes snapped open at the sound of a dragon's distant cry. He held his breath, listening closely as it passed, far off in the distance somewhere. He looked over the woman sleeping heavily beside him. Her eyes moving under her eyelids, brows contorted slightly as she lay trapped in another nightmare. She had them often and though he'd tried to wake her from them it was useless. There were always dragons nearby when she slept so fretfully. He did all he could while he waited for her to rouse, put out the smoldering fire, yanked the blanket over them and drew her into his arms.

Another roar. It was closer now, though they were shielded by the lush forest and the city was very near he was still wary. It was almost as though they could sense her. Always finding her no matter how they ran or hid.

He looked on at her frightened expression, wishing there was something he could do to make it stop. He knew what it was like to be trapped in a chilling nightmare. Before they met, he had them often. Now it was as though she'd taken all his nightmares and kept them for herself.

Soon she would wake and she wouldn't speak of it. Keeping it all to herself. Hiding her struggles, carrying the world's burdens on her shoulders and he had no idea how to help her. All he could do was remain by her side and protect her to the best of his abilities.

Dragon cries again, it sounded like more than one. Were they searching for her? Or maybe they were fighting for territory. Hopefully they would do it on some distant mountain peak or a in desolate forest this time.

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