Chapter 27 Into the Lair

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The passing two weeks on the farm were relatively uneventful for them. Rona kept herself busy reading every book she could on dragon lore and Dragonborn history while Bishop spent his days prowling around the grounds, killing pesky rabbits that were eating up Illia's farm and hunting with Karnwyr. Serlas assured him that the blood seal and the runes would only hurt unwanted humans and elves in the vicinity, so Karnwyr was free to come and go as he pleased. He'd also put up a large warning sign and set up a signal marker on the off chance some poor courier started making his way up to them so they could stop him before he walked into the invisible wall surrounding the farm.

Rona sat in her father's study, upstairs and looked out the window from the desk, watching as Bishop returned from his latest hunt with a few rabbits and pheasants in tow. He'd stopped hunting bigger game because Illia insisted that they had no more room for all the meat and told him to go sell it in town. That's when Bishop said he couldn't show his face there after having a bounty on his head for practically strangling one of Thorn's guys. Serlas then gave him a hundred gold to go and pay off his debt and told him not to come back until the pelts and meat were all sold.

Rona sighed and pushed aside Olaf and the Dragon, an old legend about King Olaf beating the dragon Numinex in various ways, all of which were speculation and the entirety of it totally useless to her. She added it to the pile of books on the desk; The Dragon War, Book of the Dragonborn, The Dragon Break, and There Be Dragons. That was everything she'd found with the word dragon in it. She learned a great deal about the dragon cultists and the ancient Nords worship practices but nothing about dragon resurrection.

She'd all but given up on it and was tired of reading and studying. She was itching to leave the house and go exploring with Bishop, but Serlas wasn't having it, "Not while the Thalmorand brigands are after you!" He'd shouted, putting his foot down.

So all she could do was peruse through the library and poke through books and old notes. She grabbed her copy of Dragon Language: Myth No More. This was one of the only books she'd found that really interested her. It was a clear-cut description of the dragon language and all their words. She'd intended to learn it if she could.

Serlas came up the stairs and asked brightly, "How go your studies velvyn?"

She leaned back in her chair and said, "Not good. I haven't found anything useful in any of these books. Lots of historical facts, but nothing worthwhile."

He came over and looked down at her opened book on the desk, "Ah, setting out to learn a new language I see."

"Trying," she scratched her head, "But it would really help if I could go find a Word Wall to review and practice with," she gave him a hopeful smile.

He frowned at her, "Absolutely not. Bishop has no idea where that awful criminal is hiding out and the last thing we want you to do is go crawling into his cave."

"Ataaa," she groaned, "I'm going stir-crazy! I can't stay cooped up in here reading books! It's just like being back in the Mage's Guild. Ugh!"

"That's not so bad. I find reading to be quite relaxing."

She banged her head into the book and groaned loudly again. Serlas just chuckled at her, "We'll leave in two days and head to Solitude a bit early. How's that sound?"

"It's going to take foreveeer," she mumbled into the book.

"(Have patience my daughter,)" he pat her on the shoulder and walked away as Bishop came up the steps looking for her. "Ah, pardon me, Bishop," Serlas said going around him and then whispered loudly, "She's being a bit of a Miffed Muffin, if you know what I mean."

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