Chapter 22 The Companions

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Aela led Rona down some steps into what appeared to be their sleeping quarters, then further down a long hall where two men could be heard speaking quietly amongst themselves.

"But I still hear the call of the blood."

"We all do. It is our burden to bear. But we can overcome."

"You have my brother and me, obviously. But I don't know if the rest will go along quite so easily."

"Leave that to me."

Aela stopped for a moment and mumbled, "Hmm...ah, best go on without me girl. I just remembered something I need to take care of."

Rona made to say something but Aela moved so fast she couldn't get the words out in time. Then Karnwyr decided to go his own way and loped down the corridor and into the room where the men were talking. She chased after him as she heard the younger of the two shout, "What's this? Someone let a dog in here!?"

She stopped by the doors and saw Karnwyr sniffing at their boots, "Karnwyr!" she clicked her tongue, calling him to her, "Sorry about that."

The old man, who was obviously Kodlak stared at her like he'd just seen a ghost.

"You a new recruit?" the other man asked her. He looked quite a bit like Farkas and she realized the two must be brothers. He had his arms crossed looking her up and down warily, "Or you need to hire us for a job? If you're here to hire, you'll need to talk to Aela or Skjor upstairs."

Kodlak interrupted him keeping his eyes trained on her, "So the Dragonborn finally comes to our old hall. Welcome, Rona."

"Dragonborn," Vilkas whispered, "You can't be. There's no way."

Kodlak looked over at him, "If Aela was telling us the truth, then this girl is most certainly the Dragonborn of legend," he chuckled, "I always knew Claudia's daughter would do great things. Please, come take a seat, we have much to discuss... Vilkas if you'd excuse us please."

Vilkas got up from his seat and left them, frowning skeptically at her as he walked by.

She took his spot while Karnwyr laid down at Kodlak's feet instead of Rona's. She was surprised that the wolf was so quick to trust this man, though he did have a gentle and welcoming air about him. He reminded her of a kindly, old grandfather.

He gave her a warm smile, "I sense that you have a strong spirit. We have some empty beds in Jorrvaskr for those with a fire burning in their hearts. Perhaps you are here to join us?"

She shook her head, "Unfortunately no, I don't think with my training I'd have much time to work as a mercenary again."

"Ah, that's right, you're a member of the Fighter's Guild, aren't you? I still remember the day Claudia got the news. We celebrated all night in your honor, the poor woman sang songs until her voice gave out."

Rona tried to imagine her mother feeling anything for her when she showed such little interest her whole life, then she wondered how her mother had heard about her joining the Guild when she never wrote.

"How did she know that I joined up?"

Kodlak thought for a moment, "Well I believe she received a letter from your father. He often wrote to her about you."

Rona was thunderstruck. All this time he'd kept in touch with her mother. Yet the woman still refused to make an effort to reach out, to just say, hey I'm here. I care, I think about you.

Rona couldn't help it when she said, "You all talk about her so kindly like she was such a wonderful person...You know she abandoned me, don't you?"

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