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Trigger Warning: Graphic depictions of violence and death.


She looked at him with those beautiful green eyes, pleading with him and asking, why?

All he could do was mouth, I'm sorry, because everything else would be lost in translation. The pain in his leg reminded him of what he needed to do then. He had to go get healed as soon as he could in the infirmary before shortly returning to finally face his brother.

He turned away from her and limped back into the gates where Jedrek helped carry him down to the healers. They fixed him up as well as they could in the time they had. Bishop made them focus on his leg, because the deep gash in it had split his muscle wide open and hurt like hell and he really needed both legs working for this battle.

"Time to get out there," Jedrek said after only ten short minutes.

The altmer woman bristled at him, "We're not finished yet!"

"Already told you Cecilia-"

"It's fine," Bishop said quickly. He pulled a bottle of Qetesh's Best he'd mixed up himself and downed it. It helped dull the pain definitely, but didn't heal him the way he'd hoped because he still wasn't very good at making them as potent as Qetesh could.

He hurried along with Jedrek and they stopped at the gates, listening as Lucias Medici started introducing the Grand Champion.

Jedrek was staring at the gate when he said, "I know your focus is on this match, on killing your brother-"

Bishop was stunned by his remark and stared right at him. Jedrek met his gaze looking serious when he said, "But after you kill him, do me a favor and keep an eye out for the Emperor. Whatever this mystery monster is, we have no doubt that Lucias is planning to use it to assassinate Emperor Titus."

Bishop looked at him with dawning realization, "You're-"

"An undercover agent for the Palace," Jedrek actually cracked a smile, which Bishop honestly didn't think he could physically do considering his permanent scowl over the last seven days, "Been doing this for years now, trying to crack open this place and expose it for what it is. Lucias never trusted me as much as I'd hoped though. Oh and uh, sorry for all the racist shit," he smirked, "It was part of my undercover identity. But I will admit, it was kind of fun pissing you off like that."

Bishop returned the smirk and laughed, "You damn dirty bastard."

"You really are kind of skinny for a nord though," he chuckled as the gate creaked open, "Good luck out there, Bishop. Don't fucking die."

"I don't plan to, not while my woman's watching."

(Background music is No Honor In Blood by Two Steps From Hell)

Bishop stepped into the Arena once more to the roaring cheers of the crowd. Across the way was Ost, looking as smug as ever, holding his Daedric helmet under his arm.

Bishop chanced a glance back at Rona, who was still watching him with worry etched all over her face. All her friends were there too, including Magrob who was standing by looking like he was in deep shit. Which he was since Roxlin was lighting into him and punching him in the arm. She was absolutely tiny compared to the orc, but damn was she feisty.

Bishop turned his focus back onto the task at hand though. He'd seen his brother fight a few times over the last week. He specialized with a huge and formidable Daedric greatsword. He was definitely going to be a challenge. Ost was all muscle and brute strength. He also wore a set of heavy duty, black Daedric armor, definitely chosen because it made him appear more threatening and because of how hard it was to pierce. Bishop figured it must have been a gift from his generous benefactor, Lucias Medici, because there was no way in Oblivion that Ost managed to get the materials to have something like that forged.

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