1st Day at Firehouse 51

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Chapter 1, let's sit back and read  

Chapter 1:

Firehouse 51, Chicago

He arrived at his destination he had just parked his 1955 Convertible that was steel blue and had grabbed his bag

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He arrived at his destination he had just parked his 1955 Convertible that was steel blue and had grabbed his bag. He wore a standard issue CFD T-Shirt with standard issue trousers with the legs tucked into his boots that had fitted him, his deep blue eyes shined like an ocean. He was tall, handsome his dark hair parted at the side able to see skin fade, his dog tags clattered against his toned chest, as he made his way up the walk way towards the firehouse.

He had made it inside and had walked up to somebody he had grey hair and was leaning against the fire truck as the man said, "Hey man, you lost or something?" "Uh, a little I'm looking for Lt Matthew Casey. I'm his new candidate on Truck." "Yeah follow me name's Kelly. Lt Kelly Severide on Squad 3" the man had introduced himself.

"Nathan Delaney" Nathan introduced himself as Kelly then said, "Nice to meet you. Are you new to a firehouse?" "Just passed the academy" "Where you from?" "Manhattan, New York City?" "Nice." "Kind of a long story but my parents were born in New York, But they died in an armed robbery, I was taken in by a FDNY Firefighter. He handed me to an orphanage at 6 and I ran away at 16." "Sounds like you had it rough" "Life was never easy" "What you do after that?" "I enlisted in the Naval Reserves at 17 and joined the Navy SEALs after High School." "Thank you for your service" "Just doing my duty sir" "Why Navy?" "I loved being in the Navy, so being in the Navy SEALs helped out with combat experience, was there as a Chief Petty Officer." Kelly nodded in approval of the Firefighter candidate.

Kelly nodded as they walked through the firehouse looking for Casey as they found him in the kitchen talking with a blonde hair girl and a Latina girl as Kelly then said, "Hey Matt, found your new candidate" Matt turned towards Kelly and saw the new candidate as he said, "Ah, Candidate Delaney, nice to meet you, Lt Casey is my name" "Sir" as Nathan saluted the Lieutenant with respect as Casey then turned to the 2 women with him as he said, "Nathan, meet Paramedics Sylvie Brett and Gabriela Dawson."

Sylvie's POV

"Nathan, meet Paramedic Sylvie Brett and Gabriela Dawson" as I looked up at the new candidate, I thought he looked like he was in his mid-20s around the same age I was, he was well built, he was hot a definition of a firefighter. His blue eyes looked up at me they looked like an ocean. Dark hair parted at the side he looked like a soldier his appearance was clean everything was all tucked in even his boots.

He definitely was a soldier, he wasn't dumb he was smartly dressed. Hang on I only known this guy for 2 minutes and I am already appraising him I then shook his hand it was hardened, he was definitely a hard-working man as I brought myself back to the present as I said the Candidate, "Nice to meet you Nathan" as I tucked my hair behind my ear, his smile was what made my heart skip beats as it was about to split from cheek to cheek as I heard him speak, "Same as well Brett and you Dawson" hearing him speak I realized that he had an accent on him, it sounded like a New York accent.

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