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The final chapter of our Chicago's Bravest Story. I've had a lot of fun creating this story. But my biggest regret will always be finishing it, I hope you are ready.



10 Years Later

December 23rd 2029

8038 Harbor View Terrace, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

1930 Hours

It was a beautiful snowy evening in Bay Ridge, the house on Harbor View Terrace was decorated to its finest. The lights were hung up around the house, a blue 1955 convertible was pulling into the driveway.

Nathan Delaney opened the car door and began to walk inside the house, he was dressed in a 2-piece suit, he wore a white dress shirt with a blue patterned tie, his gun holster was on his shoulders, his NYPD detective's badge on his belt.

"Hello!" Nathan called out softly.

The pitter patter of footsteps came as a boy came from the kitchen, he had dark blonde hair, shining blue eyes, he wore a plaid shirt with blue jeans.


Nathan laughed as he hugged his son before he said, "Hey Daniel! Where's your sister and your little brother?"

"Mom's setting Joe to sleep. Sera's watching tv." Daniel said. Nathan smiled; he walked into the living room and saw his daughter watching the tv.

The girl wore a flower dress, blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes. She looked up from the tv and said, "Daddy!"

Nathan hugged his daughter before saying, "Hi Sera, how was your day?"

"Me and Daniel made snowmen today!" Sera said excitedly. Nathan smiled, "Sounds like you had a snow-filled day."


Sylvie walked down the stairs to see Nathan as she said, "Hey sweetheart." "Hi baby, happy anniversary!" Nathan said.

Sylvie engulfed her husband in a hug as she kissed him softly as she said, "Happy anniversary, handsome!"

Sylvie saw the flower bouquet in his hand and said, "Late present?" "More like a preview to my next present." Nathan whispered in her ear.

Sylvie then smirked, "Get the kids to bed and we'll celebrate."

Sylvie walked up the stairs as Nathan smiled before turning to his oldest children before saying, "She doesn't know about the present, does she?"

"We never said a word, Mom was snooping around Joe's room trying to find it. So, we hid it in the study." Daniel said.

Nathan smiled at his oldest children before saying, "You've been trained well, my young apprentices."

Both Sera and Daniel smiled with joy in their eyes as Sera said, "I'm going to bed, night Daddy!"

Nathan looked on with surprise at his youngest children, they were going to bed early, he then asked, "Who are you two? What has happened to my children?"

"We're just going to bed, Dad." Daniel replied.

Nathan nodded, "Alright, you can read a book if you want, but lights out if you feel sleepy."

"Sir yes sir." Daniel replied as both Sera and him walked up to bed.

Nathan laughed as he said, "It's a wonderful life."


Nathan walked into the study, it was rectangular shaped, on the desk stood several pictures. The first one was a picture of Nathan and Sylvie 10 years ago on their wedding day.

The next picture was one of Nathan and his SEAL Team Buddies in 2021. All his friends had families of their own now, they had gotten together a lot to celebrate birthdays, weddings and the 4th of July too.

Next to the picture of Nathan and Sylvie was the picture of their twin children, Daniel and Sera in their catholic school uniforms. They looked so smart on their first day. Nathan had stopped by from work to see his children into school, he was a little sad to see that his parents would not be around to watch his children grow up and have children of their own. But he knew deep down that his parents were watching over him and guiding him every step of the way.

He looked in the drawer of his desk and saw the box marked 'For Sylvie' he picked it up and lifted the lid as it revealed the most beautiful necklace. The necklace was silver, with a diamond heart.

Before he put the lid on the gift, he took his gun holster off, he pulled out his Glock 19, he released the clip, took the bullet in the chamber out... and put it all in a drawer in his desk.


He put the lid back on as he walked up the stairs to the master bedroom. He opened the door to find Sylvie sitting on the bed with a robe and a pair of stockings over her legs, the sounds of a saxophone played softly in the bedroom.

Nathan then said, "I believe this gift is for you."

Sylvie took the gift as she saw the necklace before saying, "Nate... it's beautiful."

"Happy Anniversary and a Merry Christmas to you, my darling." Nathan said softly.

Sylvie then picked up her gift for Nathan and gave it to him as he said, "What's this I may ask?"

"Open it." Sylvie said.

Nathan chuckled as he said, "You didn't get me a NY Jets signed football, did you?"

"No." Sylvie said. Nathan thought before saying, "You didn't buy me a sniper scope, did you?"

Sylvie laughed, "No, I didn't."


Nathan opened the gift as he found a baby bib that said, "I love Daddy." Nathan turned to Sylvie as he whispered, "We're having a baby...?"

"You're gonna be a daddy times 4." Sylvie replied.

Nathan walked over and passionately kissed his wife, he then whispered, "Best Christmas present I could get."

"4 little monsters running through this house. How are we gonna cope?" Nathan asked.

"We have 2 willing helpers." Sylvie said. Nathan nodded, "Absolutely great idea, darlin'."

Sylvie then took the buttons off Nathan's shirt before she said, "Now, I believe we have more pressing matters."

"Let's celebrate." Nathan replied. The pair kissed passionately, Nathan moved his lips across Sylvie's neck, she sighed softly as they fell onto the bed getting lost into each other.


The end of our story. I hope you enjoyed this story.

Please comment and like the story. I love you all, my fantastic support.

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