Marry You

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For the purpose of this chapter, I will be including song lyrics from a couple marriage proposal songs.

Don't judge me by this decision.

Chapter 17:

Forever can never be long enough for me, Feel like I've had long enough with you.

Nathan POV

I'm in love with Sylvie Brett, she makes my heart go boom every time I see her smile, whenever I see her, I feel the world stop and takes focus on us, I stand on one leg, bending my knee, holding a ring, not just any ring, but my Mama Serafina's engagement ring, that my Dad gave to her when he proposed to her in 1992.

I've fought and served this country for 4 years of my life, served in Chicago for 10 ½ months, if I hadn't gone to Chicago, I would never have met the love of my life.

Forget the world now we won't let them see. But there's one thing left to do

Nathan holds the ring in his hand as he holds it up clearly as Sylvie says, "Is this for real?" "It is, I'm not letting go of anything, I'm not going to let you go, Sylvie, because..."

Everything I do, darling. And we'll see it through, Oh we'll see it through, Oh yeah

Nathan then says, "Everything, I'll do, I do for you, we'll see it through together. There is nobody else, I want on my side more than you."

Look into your heart, You can't tell me it ain't worth dying for.

Sylvie POV

OH MY GOD! I've never figured something like this would happen, we just had our first date, but when we were at Junior's, it was like I felt nothing but pure love.

Nathan Delaney is the sweetest, kindest, passionate person that I've ever met, he is the one that helped me move on from Antonio.

Nathan sees me as a person, a strong-willed and determined soul, I look at him, I see a fighter, someone who is willing to fight for the both of us, he is such the sweetheart I've always wanted to be with.

If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do. Then baby, I'm perfect. Baby, I'm perfect for you.

Main POV

Nathan had continued, "Sylvie, I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, I'm not perfect, but I want you to be by my side, even when we're going through the rough and tough, I'll brave it, I'm goin' to love you forever, I ain't leavin' you behind, never."

I want you forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly We'll grow old together. Forever and always.

Nathan smiled as he said, "Sylvie Brett, will you make me the happiest guy in New York, and become Mrs Delaney?"

Sylvie had tears in her eyes, she never expected something like this, it melted her heart to hear him say 'Mrs Delaney.' It had told her, he loved her with everything and that she wouldn't give up on him, no matter what.

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