Goodbye Chicago

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The agenda for Nathan's war on Denny Woods is very simple: Revenge. 

Chapter 12:

Previously on Chicago Fire

A Hero arrested

Nathan Delaney is arrested and dragged to the cop squad car as he watches Denny Woods walk into the firehouse, in despair.

Others come to his aid

Everyone on Nathan's SEAL Team stands in a warehouse, surrounding a table as Peter Barton says, "Nathan Delaney's been arrested, Our job is to get him out and clear his name."

Everyone looked at Peter as they all nodded saying, "Let's get our boy home." "Hoo-yah!" "Hoo-goddamn-yah!"

But one person turn their back on him

"Nathan, you aren't the man I know, but you aren't who you were, but I hope that you burn for what you've done, to 51, to our family. Just die." the words ring clear in Nathan's mind when he is in his cell.

Sylvie cries in her car, thinking about how she fell in love with a monster.

Help is Here

Olinsky patted Nathan as he revealed a bit of paper saying, "I'm on your side, we're gettin' you out." "Who's we?"

Soon the vehicle is tipped over and resulting gunfire ensues whilst Nathan is unconscious.

1 Minute 30 Seconds Earlier

In a white old model pick-up truck, four men, Charlie Daniels, Danny Panelli, Junior Delancey and Peter Barton are on an intercept with the van that was supposed to be escorting Nathan Delaney to the courthouse, instead it was driving Nathan to an execution site.

The four men were wearing tactical gear and holstering military-issue weapons as the vehicle began to speed as Peter then said, "We're closing in, hold on tight."

The old pick-up truck collides with the armoured van that turns it on its side once as everyone gets out of the vehicle with Peter saying, "Junior, watch the road! Danny, Charlie, on me!"

Soon the two men in the front of the van came out of the vehicle falling to the ground as they silently said, "This is Spectre-5, we've been ambushed, we won't make it to the execution zone, send back-up fast." "Back-up inbound 20 mins." "Acknowledged."

The pair came out of cover as Peter said, "Drop it! Drop the weapons, now!"

Charlie walked towards them as he said, "Drop it or we drop you, your choice!" the mercenaries smirked saying, "You're too late asshole, back-up's coming, you're in the hell now!"

Danny shot the pair as he said, "You guys took too long, let's get our boys out of there."

Danny banged on the door saying, "You guys alright in there, we're getting you the hell out."

Olinsky used code to acknowledge Danny as he tried to wake up Nathan saying, "Come on, Nate, we need you in this, kid."

Nathan was still knocked out cold as images flooded his subconscious as he found himself stood in a field as he said, "Where am I? Hello! Come on, where am I?!" he soon spots someone as he says, "Show yourself, where are we?!"

The man turned as he said, "Hello Nathan." Nathan saw the man and looked shaken to his own core when he saw it was his father who was wearing his police Sergeant's uniform of the NYPD as he asked in disbelief, "Dad?"

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