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Chapter 5, is now up, we'll be moving forward from where we left off from

Chapter 5:

3 Months Later

December 20th 2018

In the three months that had passed since Nathan joined Firehouse 51, he became a trusted and loyal member of everyone that served alongside him, he worked hard alongside his fellow firefighters. Things had been quiet in his battle of wits with Denny Woods and so far, Denny hadn't thrown a strike team at him.

That had kept Nathan on his toes, he didn't want to let his guard down for minute, he submitted the car for daily checks for IEDs, not even an explosive device could be found. In the firehouse, he had kept his relationship with Brett strictly professional, not wanting to damage anything, though his feelings for Brett were strengthening by the minute. Brett also kept her relationship strictly professional even though her own feelings were strengthened as well for Nathan. Everybody in 51 was frankly nervous that they weren't going to get together.

It was the day of the annual battle of the badges, the last firefighter to have won this classic battle was Chief Boden, so pride was on the line, Nathan had volunteered to go in and fight, Antonio was the opponent, both of them had been at each other's neck because of their affections for Brett but they never mentioned it.

Nathan was in the changing room doing last minute training with Dawson as he followed her instructions. Nathan was finishing up as he said, "Antonio, does he play dirty in boxing?" "No, he don't play dirty, but remember keep on your feet, make sure you keep your arms up. Remember, Jab, Jab, right hook, right hook. Let him know you mean business." "What if I'm in trouble as a scenario?" "Throw him off his game, use the name Angela Del Rios. Girl we went to high school with." "Alright." "Sure you ain't regretting this?" "Trust me, I'm ready, I'm not bailing on this. Firefighter's pride is at stake, I'm going to make it right." Nathan determinedly says.

Dawson smirks as Casey comes in saying, "Dawson, Boden wants you ringside." "Got it, come on Nate." "Let's do this."

The three then head out to the ringside as Mouch is officiating the match as he begins, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Before we get to the main event, I just want to remind you that all ticket sales tonight go towards the families go help the families affected by the attacks at the LGBT Centre for Chicago Police Officers and Firefighters." Everyone applauds proudly.

It is the beginning of round 1, Nathan stands in Red boxing gear as Dawson says to him, "Alright, you got this, stay on your toes and use the combinations like we practiced."

Soon Mouch calls the fighters to the centre of the ring as he tells the two, "Obey my commands at all times, let's have a clean fight, touch gloves." Both fighters touch gloves as Antonio gets in close and says, "Brett's looking fine tonight." "Like you have a chance with her." Nathan taunted.

The bell rings as Nathan advances with his arms up Antonio, goes to throw a right hook but Nathan dodges it throwing 2 jabs and a 2 right hooks at him as Antonio is soon dazed, Nathan keeps up the attack on him throwing body shots not letting him get one hit in, Antonio wraps him up preventing him from hitting.

Nathan backs up as Antonio comes at him, with a barrage of punches.

Brett watches on the side lines as she says, "Come on Nate, you got this."

Nathan hearing Sylvie's encouragement throws a left hook at Antonio knocking him back as Nathan throws jabs into his body before throwing a 2nd left hook and a right hook knocking him to the ground out cold just as the bell goes.

Antonio is still on the ground, Nathan waits patiently for his victory to be confirmed, Mouch begins the countdown as every firefighter awaits for the victory to be confirmed. Antonio struggles to get up as he falls back down.

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