The Beginning of Battle of Wits

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Chapter 3 is up, let's see what entails in this one.  

Chapter 3:

"Nathan Delaney?" Nathan spots a man walking towards him as he says, "Do I know you?" "Lieutenant Denny Woods, Chicago PD, I need to talk to you."

Nathan stares at Denny who is opposite him who stays silent as Nathan says, "Well, what is it?" "Do you know Sergeant Voight?" "From what I've heard he's the head of the Intelligence unit in the PD, unless you don't know this." "Oh I do, know this." Denny replies.

Nathan then asks, "Why ask me of all people?" "How'd you like to help me take down Sergeant Voight, do so and I can see your life is easier in the fire department." "You want me to become a corrupted member?" "Corrupted is such a harsh word. I prefer an associate of mine, in return for information on Sgt Voight, you can advance through the ranks." "Tell you what, screw you and screw your offer, I'd rather take my time and advance the chain my own way." "You're a fool to deny this opportunity, and another thing, I can make your life a living hell, you won't be safe from my wrath or the people I know that can hurt you the most."

Nathan chuckles, "You have no idea, who you're talking to, do you?" "I do, a decorated Navy SEAL, hardened by his experiences, but somehow, you end up here." "Chi-Raq." "Just know, I can make your life a living hell." "Just know, you start a war, you better see it to the end, cos there's gonna be casualties, so you better bring it, I'll handle it. But just so you know, you made a horrible mistake." Nathan callously says. Getting into his car and driving off.

Denny stays until he walks back to his own car and sits in the drivers seat next to the mysterious woman as he says, "This Nathan fellow, is an interesting character. How do you propose we deal with this?" "Watch over his apartment, we send in the gang and see what happens." "Agreed, but what if Nathan detects them coming?" "Catch him off guard, there can be no failure." The mystery woman says coldly.

Nathan drives back to his apartment, he stops until he sees a black SUV coming up behind him as he wonders, "Who's this?" Nathan goes to the gun in the glove compartment as he checks a round is in the chamber, he watches the car before heading inside. Once inside the apartment, Nathan is hiding all important documents, even any sign he is military making it look like an ordinary apartment, he then changes his bag over, taking his swimsuit out and putting in his CFD clothing inside, he puts his evening clothes inside as well.

Nathan turns out the lights as he begins to watch the streets, he falls asleep 3 hours later.

The next morning, Nathan wakes up and puts his swimsuit on as he heads to the car carrying his carry-on, he moves past the black SUV that tailed him from last night heading straight to Lake Michigan. He gets out and walks to the beach, carrying with him a towel as he finds a quiet spot, he then strolls out a few yards until he begins to swim, the cool air hits his body as he picks up the pace swimming for an hour until he stops getting out of the lake and heading to the bathroom to change into a shirt and trousers, he wears his boots as he drives off to Firehouse 51.

 He gets out and walks to the beach, carrying with him a towel as he finds a quiet spot, he then strolls out a few yards until he begins to swim, the cool air hits his body as he picks up the pace swimming for an hour until he stops getting out of...

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