Thinking Out Loud

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Chapter 16, y'all got your romantic playlists ready? Cause it's goin' to get exciting.  

Chapter 16:

Manhattan, New York City

"You say Nathan Delaney?" the tall officer said. Sylvie nodded saying, "Yeah, we know each other, don't suppose you could point me to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn?" "You head to the 59th Street Station, you have go through half of Manhattan and under the Manhattan Bridge until you reach 86th St Station in Bay Ridge." "Thank you very, much." "Sure you know what to do?" the officer said.

Sylvie nodded saying, "Yeah, take 59th Street station all the way through to 86th St station in Bay Ridge." "Alright, there you go. Here can I get your name?" "I want it to be a surprise, thank you officer." "Sure thing, ma'am." The officer said tipping his hat towards Sylvie.

Sylvie headed straight to the 59th Street Station and got on the subway heading for Bay Ridge. The train ride had taken near enough an hour and fifteen minutes, as she got off the station and headed for a nearby café that had internet access, as she got out her laptop and began to write something.

In Manhattan, Nathan and his TO were in the squad car just driving around as Nathan kept looking out the window watching the street as he spotted a group of teens smoking something as he said, "Hey, stop the car a minute." "Somethin' up?" "Bunch those teens smoking whatever crap it is." "Hey let's not bother them, huh?" "Hell with it."

Nathan got out of the car as he walked over to the teens and said, "Alright, put out those cigarettes or I'll make you eat 'em." "It's legal dude, try one." "Why don't I toss y'all in a station all because you didn't stop."

Nathan arrested most of the teens as two of them tried to flee, Nathan chased after them and grabbed them as several things fell out of the teen's pocket, it was a 9mm gun and a pocket knife as Nathan said, "What do we have here?" "Yo, that ain't mine, you must have planted it on me." "You playing that crap, again?" "Ain't my gun, asshole."

Nathan picked up the evidence as he said, "Explain it to the judge. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with an attorney and have right to have attorney present during questioning, cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you at no charge."

Nathan dragged the two back to the squad car as he said, "Guess what moron had on his person, a gun and a pocket knife." "And I told this prick, it ain't my gun." "Shut up."

Lake nodded as he said, "Alright, I guess I was wrong and you were right."

Nathan nodded as he pushed the two into the squad car as Lake and Nathan got in and drove off for the 12th Precinct.

Once they arrived, Nathan escorted the two perps up the steps as he said to the desk sergeant, "Sarge, picked up these two and a couple more of their buddies smoking a few joints, then these two tried to run, found a gun and a pocket knife on them." "Good find, they claiming it was planted on them?" "Oh they are." "Escort them to a cell." "Sure thing."

Nathan escorted the pair to a cell as he said, "Cool down, in there."

Nathan then took the paperwork for the arrest as he signed it all and explained the reason for his arrest, soon a patrol officer came up to him and said, "Hey Delaney, you live in Brooklyn, right?" "Yeah, what's it to ya?" "Girl came to my Sarge and asked how to get there. Mentioned you by name?" "Who'd the girl look like, better what'd she look like?"

The officer nodded as he said, "Blonde hair, real curly, wore cowboy boots, blue eyes as well." "Really? Alright, she give you her name or no?" "No, she didn't give her name, only asked for directions to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn."

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