Farewell of a Friend

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Chicago's Bravest Chapter 9 up. Nathan Delaney's hardest time is going to hit him like a boxer. Steel yourselves and have tissues by your side. 

 Chapter 9:

2 Weeks Later

"Truck 81, Ambulance, Squad 3, Engine 51. Construction site at Motion Industries at 1361 S Jefferson St."

Nathan raced to Truck 81 and put his overalls and his firefighter coat on, soon the rest of Truck 81 joined him as they all raced off to the address.

Hermann then muttered, "Ah jeez! Not another one of these!" "We do as we're ordered, Hermann!" Casey shouted.

Nathan couldn't help but feel a pit in his stomach begin to form, for the last three days, he had been receiving weird premonitions of being in a warehouse, he started to wonder if it had been some weird dream he had, or something old he had eaten, but now his fear had been realised and it was going to become impossible to escape that fear. As they drove to the site, they heard banging and clattering from the inside, it was indescribable.

Nathan was brought out of his thoughts as he heard Casey say, "Nathan, with me, and Borelli, Truck pair off with Squad and Engine, let's pull out whoever we can." "Got it, Lieutenant!"

Nathan, Borelli and Casey headed deeper into the collapsed warehouse searching for survivors, Nathan, searched and searched, until he called out, "Fire Department, call out!"

Nathan moved through the debris, it was seemingly impossible to move through until he saw someone as he said, "Sir, sir, you okay, hang in there, we're going to get you out, okay?!"

Nathan searched for a way through as he pushed debris out of the way and raced towards the man on the ground as he saw who it was.

Nathan was shell-shocked as he saw his former CO in the SEALs, his own mentor and a father-figure to him as he said, "Hang in there, Captain, I'm goin' to get you out of here! Just stay with me!"

Nathan begins to lift some of the debris off the man until he strains himself before letting it go, as he mutters, "Damn it!"

He keys his radio saying, "Lieutenant, I found a survivor, I need help to get it off him." "I'm on my way, give me 5 minutes!" "Hurry fast!"

Nathan tries to wake his friend as he looks up saying, "Chief Petty, damn good... to see you." "You too, Cap'n Barton." "We gettin' on out of here?" "No Man Left Behind!"

Barton laughs a little saying, "Hoo-yah, brother!" "How's your wife?" "Told me not to go into construction, said I was too damn old

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Barton laughs a little saying, "Hoo-yah, brother!" "How's your wife?" "Told me not to go into construction, said I was too damn old." "Kiddin' me? You're in great shape." "May not be after this."

Nathan chuckles saying, "Where's that Barton Hard-ass attitude?" "Trying to come back, kid!"

Nathan tried with his might to lift the debris of off his friend, he grunted saying, "See if you can move at all, I can hold this up!" Barton tried to move his leg only slowly, but suddenly, they heard a snap as they looked up saying, "Oh crap!"

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