Nathan's Resilience

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Chapter 6, Christmas Morning there's always drama on Christmas Day, Let's go.

Chapter 6:

Christmas Day

It was a snowy day at Firehouse 51 on Christmas Day, the firehouse even though they had no choice all shuffled into the house to get out of the cold Kelly was the last one in as he changed quickly joining everyone in the lounging area as Kelly looks around eyebrows furrowed as he says, "Hey, anyone seen Nathan at all?" Brett looks around as she thinks to herself, "That's a point, where is Nathan, he should have been here an hour ago or at least 30 minutes ago?" Brett then spoke up and said, "Must be either late or catching up on sleep, he has worked 48 hours."

Boden nodded and said, "It's not like him to be late, but Brett might be right and he's catching up on sleep, been a rough 48 hours for him, so he's exhausted and just relaxing, give him 30 minutes and we'll go look for him."

Soon they hear knocking at the door of the firehouse as Kelly heads out the entrance and sees a lady with brunette hair and green-grey eyes standing there as she says, "Is this firehouse 51?" "Is something wrong ma'am?" Boden said following behind Kelly.

"I thought I saw a black van yesterday following a man..." "Ma'am, think you're talking to the wrong people." "You don't understand, the man the van was following came from here." Brett walked over and said, "The man was he wearing a brown shirt with cargo trousers and desert camo boots?" "He was, he walked right past the house and kept walking, the van kept pace with him." Brett looked at Kelly and said, "Nathan left the firehouse and walked in the snow, his car was in the garage due to the radiator hose blew."

Kelly looked at Boden and said, "Chief, before we go to District 21, me and Brett check out Nathan's place?" "Go ahead, call me if you find no sign of him." "Right, come on, Brett." Kelly said as the two raced to the car heading for Nathan's place.

They arrived at Nathan's place as they walked into the building as they found the landlord as Kelly said, "Excuse me, sir! CFD, we're looking for Nathan Delaney!" "Nathan Delaney?" "Yeah, did he leave here at all this morning?" "No, he ain't been here for the last three nights." "Could we check his place to be sure." "Yeah, follow me!" the landlord says.

The two then follow the landlord up the building as he said, "Nathan's a good kid, doesn't seem like a socialising type, only a few complaints due to loud music but that was it, other than that, always paid the rent, helped others with their problems, seemed like a good guy."

The landlord stopped at the door and opened it as he said, "This is Nathan's place." "Thanks, you've been a big help!"

Both Kelly and Brett walked in as Kelly said, "Little bare in here." "Only weights, punching bag, guess he kept in shape." Kelly looked around at the fireplace seeing the photos that were on the fireplace, most contained memories of his days in the Navy SEALs, he saw Nathan with a huge smile on his face, even Charlie Daniels and an unfamiliar girl in the picture dressed in their Navy Dress uniforms. There was one picture that Brett looked at and it contained a picture of a man and woman in their mid-30s both had dark brown hair, with blue eyes.

The man wore a NYPD Uniform and the woman wore a polka-dot dress with flat heels, her brown hair had cascading curls with a bright smile. Nathan wore a blue uniform along with his fathers' police hat with a bright smile, his brown hair slicked back as Kelly walked over and said, "What you looking at?" "Nathan as a kid." Kelly took the photo as he said, "Wow, guess we know where Nathan got his good looks from, right Brett?" Brett glared but couldn't help the smile from spreading as she said, "What'd you find?" "Nothing, place looks untouched, he kept it clean and tidy." "Yeah, looks like it."

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