Falling Apart

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Have we recovered from the shock of the last chapter?

It's all going to burst.

Chapter 11:

Previously on Chicago Fire

A devastating attack

The Hines VA Medical Center is blown to high hell, firefighters are fighting the fire, Nathan kicks down the door before losing his temper with the owner who says, "That was my back-gate, you'll pay!" "Bill it to the Mayor, maybe he'll pay your damn gate!"

The other firefighters watch Nathan's outburst and start to sense his stability rocking.

The pressure becomes too much

Nathan imagines hugging his dead mother as she says to him, "I love you, my baby." "I love you, Mama, I wish you could help me." "I'm with you, my son. You've made me proud, my baby."

Nathan looks around as tears pool in his blue eyes as he sinks to the floor finally realising he's breaking apart, piece by piece.


2 CPD Officers arrive as Nathan Delaney looks at them in shock.

Nathan looks at them as he says, "What the hell do you mean, I blew up Hines VA?!" "A witness at the scene says, you blew it up laughing about it too."

Casey looks at the officers saying, "He weren't there, he was here in this firehouse."

The other firefighters agreed with Casey as the lead officer says, "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stand the hell down."

Casey backs up as they turn to Nathan saying, "We need you to come downtown, just to clear this all up." "Go to hell and tell whoever sent you to stick this up their asses."

The lead officer came towards them saying, "Sir, don't make this harder than it has to be, just put your hands in the air, or we will add charges to your name." everyone looks at Nathan as he begins to think to himself as he says, "Do I need my Rep?" "We'll contact the Union for you." The officer says.

Nathan realises he has no options and only running will make it worse for him as he says, "Alright, take me in, I got no options here."

The patrolmen secure Nathan as the firehouse watches in despair as Kelly says, "Don't worry, Nate, we'll think of somethin'." "Thanks Lieutenant."

Nathan walks to the police vehicle as he spots Woods smirking at him as he says, "Nathan Delaney, you're under arrest." "Screw you, Woods, you made a mistake." "I think not, take him away, boys."

Woods begins to walk up to the firehouse as Nathan watches on in fear seeing a rectangular shaped parcel is in his hand as he murmurs to himself, "Oh Crap."

Meanwhile, in Chicago at Peter Barton's house, Peter is watching the news as he sees something important as the Newscaster says, "And in a startling new development, the Chicago Police Department have finally arrested a suspect in the bombing at the Hines VA Center, the facility was bombed yesterday leaving many dead and no survivors. The suspect is Chicago Firefighter Nathan Delaney, a decorated 4-year Navy SEAL veteran, awarded the Navy Cross for bravery in combat. He's currently in custody, at the moment and the jury is amassing in the case."

Peter looked at the News report seeing Nathan dragged through the crowds that have amassed as Peter looks on in shock as he says, "Sonofabitch."

Peter turns off the TV as he dials a phone number which answers saying, "What's wrong, Chief?" "Irish has been arrested, alert the team, Steel, we gotta save our boy." "Shit, copy that, Knight. Where we meeting?" "Abandoned warehouse in Cicero, better bring some heat." "Acknowledged."

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