Fairytale of New York

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The moment y'all have been waitin' for Sylvie and Nathan's wedding day. Also, have your wedding playlists out. Have a nice day.

If you're looking for the wedding invitation, it's on Wattpad


Chapter 21:

8038 Harbor View Terrace, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY

23rd December 2019

It was a beautiful snow day in New York City, the snow was coming down all around the city. The pavements were lightly covered in snow, outside, Nathan was shovelling the snow in front of his house in Bay Ridge.

He looked out on the snow that was falling around him, Sylvie had taken the liberty of checking into a hotel before the wedding, wanting to follow tradition and to not see each other before the wedding. So far, the plan had worked to perfection.

Sylvie's bridesmaids involved, Gabby, Stella, Burgess, Dr Manning and April Sexton. Nathan's best men and groomsmen were Nathan's old SEAL Buddies. Nathan had been waiting for this day since he had gotten engaged to Sylvie, he had been active in the wedding planning, as well as continue his duties to the NYPD.

He had reunited with his SEAL buddies on November 11th. They had forgiven Nathan for not keeping up to date with them, he had also said sorry for how he had left the Navy when he was dealing with all the pain.

Nathan had gotten out his journal and began to write inside it.


"Today's the day. Today, is the day, I get married to my amazing and beautiful fiancée, Sylvie Brett. God, I've imagined this day for many a day. We're having the honeymoon here in Santorini.

Boy, I love saying 'our home', she's helped to make it our home. I can't wait to raise a family within these walls. Little Navy SEALs, maybe a Marine involved, I don't know. We both decided to stay here in Brooklyn for the rest of our lives.

I love Sylvie, she's the best thing to happen to me in a long time, her damn smile makes me weak and strong at the same time. I can't wait for her to walk down the aisle in the Delaney Family wedding dress.

She'd be the prettiest dame in the church. It really is Christmas for me this year, during the planning for the wedding, I went looking through some ideas for the honeymoon, I incidentally found out Mom and Dad didn't just have me when I was born. I was supposed to have been born out of 4 children. I was the sole survivor of 3 boys and 1 little girl...

Color me crazy, but it makes me nervous for Sylvie... What if she has the same problem that Mama did?"


Nathan was then sorting out breakfast for his best friends. All of them were eating a hearty breakfast consisting of Italian poached eggs, egg on toast and of course tomatoes that had to be diced. The meal was an Italian breakfast that Nathan had wanted to try out. This particular dish originated from the Tuscany region of Italy where his own Great-Grandmother had grown up in after the 2nd World War.

Afterwards, his buddies and himself all showered and shaved before changing into their NYPD dress blues or Navy uniforms.

Nathan stood in front of the mirror; he adjusted his only 4 ribbons that he earned during his short time on the job.


NYPD Medal Decorations:

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