Love is in the Air, Karaoke Night

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Here it comes, chapter 7, Karaoke Night at Molly's, hope you like this

Chapter 7:

At Chicago Med, 3 hours later

Everyone is waiting on news for Nathan Delaney to come out of the operating room, so far, nothing had come through, Intelligence, 51 and several doctors of Med came together and prayed for him to recover, Brett just paced the floor as she held her hands together as she remembered a quote that said, "I know, he's not perfect. He's human and flawed, he's perfect to me, that's all that matters."

Soon Connor and Ethan approached the large group as everyone turns to face the pair as Ethan says, "I take it you're all here for Nathan Delaney?" Brett speaks first, "How is he? How's Nate?"

Ethan then stood as he then said, "Nathan..."

3 hours earlier, site where Nathan was held captive

As the paramedics pulled up on scene, Brett hopped out and her heart beat wildly as she saw Nathan fall to the ground, she raced over with Dawson as she said, "Nathan, stay with me, okay?"

Nathan opened his eyes as he said, "Sylvie..." "Where you hurt?" "Left arm, burns all over my body, my leg as well." "Okay." Brett examined the leg as she got the bullet out before saying, "You'll be fine, okay, don't die on me." "I won't." Nathan said croaking.

Dawson then said, "Brett let's go." "Got it, come on." they raced into Ambo 61 and headed for the hospital, making it there with the sirens blaring the whole way, as they broke every traffic law ever written, Sylvie was keeping Nathan alive as she quietly said, "Stay with me, Nate, I can't lose you."

Nathan nodded as he said, "Sylvie, I've had... I've had feelings for you, I didn't want to act on them because I was scared of driving you away." "Me too, Nate, promise you'll make it." "You got it, Brett." Nathan grabbed onto Sylvie's hand as he covered her hand with his blood from his leg.

Brett didn't get bothered by it as they arrived at Gaffney Medical Centre as they headed for the front entrance as Brett shouted, "Maggie, incoming!" "Dr Choi, Dr Rhodes, its Nathan Delaney."

Connor and Ethan ran over as Connor said, "Jesus, how bad?" "Gunshot into his left arm and leg, multiple electrical burns." Brett said.

Connor looked shocked as he said, "How's he still alive?" "He's a Navy SEAL, he's a warrior, a damn good one." Ethan said with determination.

Connor and Ethan took over from Brett and Dawson as Brett stood there in the middle of Med, still reeling from Nathan's confession of romantic feelings for herself even Maggie had said, "Brett, you okay?" Brett didn't say anything for a while as she turned to the waiting room. Maggie and April shared a look that said, "What was that all about?"

The minutes turned to hours as 51, Intelligence and several doctors of Med waited the news of Nathan to arrive, the fact that the heroes of this city stayed to await the news of the other Paladin* symbolised their loyalty to each other.

Ethan and Connor approached the large crowd as Ethan said, "I take it you're all here for Nathan Delaney?" Brett speaks first, "How is he? How's Nate?"

Ethan then stood as he then said, "Nathan's gonna be okay, despite the scarred quality of his body he suffered, he'll feel some damage though." "What about the gunshot wounds?" Jay said.

Ethan nodded, "We almost lost him on the table due to blood loss, but luckily we saved his life with the blood bank, he'll live to fight another day." Everyone smiled in relief as Sylvie nodded, feeling tears in her blue eyes as she left the room for the bathroom as she dropped to the ground as she cried her eyes out saying, "Thank you, thank you God, I really do love him."

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